Families With Integrity Have A Role In Preventing Corruption

TANJUNG SELOR Pjs. North Kalimantan Governor Togap Simangunsong opened a Family Technical Guidance (Bimtek) activity with integrity.

This activity is part of a series of corruption prevention programs in the North Kalimantan region.

Togap appreciates the community's support in the anti-corruption program. One of them is the Anti-Corruption Women's Bimtek which was held earlier.

"With the same spirit, we are continuing our struggle to fight corruption through the Bimtek Family of Integrity," said Togap, Thursday, October 3.

Togap revealed the importance of understanding corruption is a form of misappropriation or misuse of money that can harm companies, organizations, or institutions, in accordance with Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Corruption Crimes.

He also explained that acts of corruption can be classified into seven types, including those that harm state finances, bribes, embezzlement, extortion, fraudulent acts, conflicts of interest, and gratuities.

"Corruption can occur not only because of opportunities, but also pressure and justification that encourages these irregularities," explained Togap.

Therefore, he emphasized that preventing corruption must start from the family as the smallest unit in society.

According to him, the family has an important role in instilling the values of honesty, responsibility, discipline, and hard work.

"Building a family of integrity is a solid basis for realizing a society free from corruption," he explained.

Bimtek Keluarga Berintegritas ini bertujuan untuk membantu peserta, terutama para orang tua, memahami pentingnya mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai integritas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

"It is hoped that participants can be role models for couples and children in building family characters with integrity," concluded Togap.