Quarantine Thwarts Illegal Ungas Shipments To North Maluku

MANADO - The Fish and Plant Quarantine Center of North Sulawesi (North Sulawesi) managed to thwart the illegal shipment of poultry to be shipped to North Maluku Province (Malut).

"Several poultry, namely chickens that will be sent illegally to North Maluku, have been successfully detained by North Sulawesi Quarantine officers through the Manado Port service post," said North Sulawesi Quarantine Head I Wayan Kertanegara in Manado, Antara, Thursday, October 3.

According to the person in charge of the Manado Port Post, Hesti Ratnawati, the poultry was found in the dock area and will be taken through KM Aksar Saputra 23 without obtaining quarantine documents from the area of origin. After being found, quarantine officers immediately took action to detain and secure the chicken at the post office.

This detention action was carried out as an effort to prevent illegal chicken traffic, because related chickens were not accompanied by quarantine documents as guarantors of the health and safety conditions of animals to be sent between areas or between islands.

Wayan Kertanegara explained that sending chickens without health checks is at high risk of transmitting diseases that can interfere with human health.

"One of them is the high risk of transmitting bird flu, so that detention measures need to be taken," he said.

Wayan added that chickens also cannot be brought in from Manado to North Maluku in accordance with North Maluku Governor Regulation No. 17 of 2007 to prevent the entry of bird flu.

After being detained, the owner of the chicken is then provided with a warning as well as an introduction regarding quarantine rules in accordance with Law 21 of 2019, so that violations of the law in the case of sending illegal chickens are not carried out again. The task force was handed back to the owner after the signing of the examination report.