Suspected Terrorist In Surabaya JI Network, One Suspected In JAD Affiliated Tuban

SURABAYA - The two terrorist suspects arrested by the Indonesian Police's Anti-terror Special Detachment 88 are suspected of being from two different networks. The two suspected terrorists were arrested in Surabaya and Tuban.

"The suspected terrorist in Surabaya has the initials S from the Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) network, while RH alias AO in Tuban is from the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) network," said Head of Public Relations of the East Java Regional Police, Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko in Surabaya, Friday, April 2.

Gatot explained that the terrorist suspect S, 41, was arrested in the Simo Pomahan area, Surabaya, at around 07.30 WIB. Meanwhile RH alias AO, 42, was arrested in Purboyo Mayangsekar, Tuban Regency.

According to Gatot, the two suspects arrested by Densus 88 from the two regions had nothing to do with the terrorist perpetrators in Makassar. The two terrorist suspects also have nothing to do with the terror of the female terrorist suspect who attacked the National Police Headquarters.

"These two have nothing to do with terrorists or the suicide bombers in Makassar, and the shooters at the Police Headquarters," he continued.

"Currently, the team is still developing, as well as searching the homes of the two suspected terrorists," said Gatot.