The Ministry Of Industry Says That The Expansion Of The PPnBM Incentive For Four-Wheeled Vehicles Applies To 29 Types Of Vehicles
JAKARTA - Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang said that he expanded the policy of relaxation of the Sales Tax on Luxury Goods Borne by the Government (PPnBM-DTP) so that vehicles with an engine capacity of 2,500 cc managed to capture 29 types of cars from the previous 21 types. "Through this expansion, there are now 29 types. cars that can take advantage of the PPnBM discount from the start are only 21 types, "he said in a press statement, Friday, April 2. According to the Minister of Industry, the types of motorized vehicles are contained in the Decree of the Minister of Industry (Kepmenperin) Number 839 of 2021 of the 2021 Fiscal Year. The vehicle is produced by six automotive industry companies in Indonesia, namely PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Indonesia, PT Honda Prospect Motor, PT Suzuki Motor Indonesia, and PT SGMW Motor Indonesia. aims to determine motorized vehicles that can receive PPnBM facilities borne by the government ah based on Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) Number 31 of 2021, "he said. He added, vehicles that can get PPnBM DTP incentives must meet the content of locally made components. In the regulation, it is stated that there are 115 types of components that can be included in the calculation of local content. "Industrial companies that produce motorized vehicles and their products get PPnBM relaxation must submit to the Ministry of Industry the purchase plan and submit a statement letter on the use of local purchase results in production activities," he added. Decree of the Minister of Industry Number 839 of 2021, then the previous regulation, namely the Minister of Industry, 169/2021 regarding the relaxation of PPnBM DTP was declared to be revoked, and not valid. "This new policy is expected to accelerate national economic recovery," he said. As previously reported by VOI, the relaxation policy PPnBM for vehicles with engine cubication of more than 1,500cc to 2,500cc requires several provisions. First, it applies to gasoline and diesel passenger vehicles with a 4x2 drive of less than 10 passengers. In this segment, the PPnBM borne by the government is 50 percent of the PPnBM payable for the tax period April 2021 to the tax period August 2021. Then, the incentive is 25 percent of the PPnBM payable for the tax period September 2021 to the tax period December 2021. , for 4x4 diesel and gasoline engines with less than 10 passengers, the incentive provided is lower, namely 25 percent of the PPnBM payable for the tax period April 2021 to the tax period of August 2021. And thereafter, the incentive is 12.5 percent of the PPnBM payable for the Tax Period September 2021 to the Tax Period December 2021.