Rampant Terrorist Actions, Puan Maharani Asking Social Media Content To Be Monitored

JAKARTA - Within a week, acts of terror occurred in two locations, namely the cathedral church in Makassar, South Sulawesi and the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta.

Chairman of the DPR Puan Maharani asked all parties to monitor content on social media that is indicated to have radical views.

Because, according to him, many terrorists are exposed to radicalism and extremism from online media that can be accessed by anyone.

"Therefore, there needs to be social media literacy as well as monitoring social media content containing radicalism and extremism," said Puan in a written statement, Friday, April 2.

Puan considers that education for the younger generation must also continue to be carried out regarding the diversity of the Indonesian nation. The goal is to strengthen the spirit of tolerance and unity among the nation's children.

"There must be increased education for the younger generation regarding moderation, tolerance and inclusiveness," said the PDI-P politician.

Puan stated that the government and society should strive to strengthen family resilience and social interaction in society to prevent radical ideas from spreading and becoming the seeds of radical action.

This is because the perpetrators of the terror who attacked the cathedral church and the National Police Headquarters were a husband and wife and a young woman.

"There are terrorists from young people, millennial generation, and families, this is very worrying and sad. Family interaction and social interaction between residents and neighbors must be strengthened in the concept of community social resilience, "he concluded.