These 9 Atang-Anida Programs Make You Comfortable Living In Bogor City

BOGOR - Pair number 2, Atang Trisnanto-Anida Allivia initiated 9 flagship programs to organize the Bogor City area for the next 5 years. Atang-Anida assessed that urban area arrangement is an important factor to be comfortable living in residents of Bogor City.

Judging by the history of Bogor City, it was built during the colonial government of the Dutch East Indies under the name Buitenzorg only for a maximum population of 100,000 people. Currently, the population has increased 10 times while the city area is only 11,850 hectares.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in 2023, the population of Bogor City will be 1,137,859 people, with a density of 10,208 people/km2. This means, said Atang, structuring the area as population increases are very important.

"The arrangement of this area is very important, the ideas of our 9 programs are not just improving or adding. The most important thing is to be able to build the civilization of the City of Bogor in the future," Atang said in his presentation, Wednesday, October 3.

The first step is to organize a leading area; namely Empang, Batutulis, and the Surya Kencana area. These three areas, said Atang, will be a landmark of the city of Bogor in the future, from history, tourism to green open spaces.

"These three areas will become proud icons of Bogor City, attract tourists, investors, and local communities, as well as make significant contributions to economic growth and community welfare," explained Atang.

Integrated waste processing is also one of the flagship programs, Atang-Annida sees this as well as the previous government's commitment to the smart city idea.

Based on data from the Bogor City Environment Agency (DLH), every day, 600 tons of garbage is transported to the Galuga TPA. Atang sees this waste as extraordinary because it can interfere with health, aesthetics and cause disasters.

"The city of Bogor is a rainy city, you can imagine that garbage that is not clogged with drainage can cause disease and flooding when it rains," said Atang.

Dengan pengelolaan sampah terintegrasi, diharapkan volume sampah yang tidak terkelola dapat dikurangi secara signifikan, lingkungan menjadi lebih bersih, dan kesehatan warga Kota Bogor dapat terjaga dengan lebih baik.

Third, the clean river program will be Atang-Anida's real commitment to restoring the beauty and function of these rivers.

Through this program, Atang continued, will carry out a series of integrated efforts to clean rivers from waste and waste, revitalize the river ecosystem, and build public awareness of the importance of maintaining river cleanliness.

The Clean River will focus on several main pillars, namely river cleaning on a regular basis, integrated waste management, education and environmental campaigns, revitalizing riverbanks, and strict law enforcement against environmental violations.

"We will build supporting infrastructure, such as wastewater treatment installations and integrated waste disposal sites, to ensure cleanliness and river health. In addition, we will also encourage community participation," said Atang.

Furthermore, 68 Sadaya Areas are the concept of a multifunctional public space that will be built in every kelurahan in Bogor City. This area will become a center for residents' activities, which includes parks, sports fields, children's playgrounds, and other social facilities that can be used for various community activities.

The city of Bogor, with limited land and high population density, faces challenges in maintaining food security and environmental sustainability.

To answer these challenges, Atang-Anida initiated the fifth urban farming program or 800 Community Gardens. Atang said this was an innovative initiative that would change the face of Bogor City to be greener, productive, and empowered.

"Through this fifth program, we will empower the community to utilize abandoned lands, yards, and even roofs of buildings, into productive gardens that are managed collectively," explained Atang.

The sixth program is smooth and clear city roads 100 percent. In the future, Atang-Anida will increase the comfort and security of traffic in Bogor City. Atang said the government would ensure that all roads in this city were smooth and clear 100 percent.

The mobility of the people of Bogor City is also a concern in structuring the area. Atang-Anida also initiated the Bubulak Terminal, as one of the main terminals in Bogor City.

This revitalization will include improving terminal facilities, structuring public transport routes, as well as increasing comfort and security for passengers.

"The new terminal will be equipped with modern facilities such as a comfortable waiting room, adequate parking area, and an integrated departure schedule information system," explained Atang.

The eighth program is to create a Padjajaran International Sport Center. Pajajaran International Sport Center, continued Atang, an integrated sports complex that will be the pride of the citizens of Bogor and Indonesia.

This modern and complete sports facility will be a forum for talented athletes to train and compete, as well as become a magnet for organizing national and international sporting events.

The development of sports is also not centralized, Atang-Anida initiated sports arena programs in each sub-district. This arena will be a sports center equipped with various facilities such as badminton fields, basketball, futsal, and gymnastics areas.

"With adequate sports facilities in each sub-district, it is hoped that residents can be more active in exercising, which will contribute to improving their health and quality of life," added Atang.

Atang believes that the 9 "Kota Nyaman" programs are Atang-Anida's comprehensive efforts to create a neater, cleaner, and comfortable urban environment for all its citizens.