Holds Initial Working Meeting, Board Of Skin For Bogor City Market Perumda

BOGOR - Pascapenetapan composition of the Bogor City DPRD Council Equipment (AKD) composition, Commission II of the Bogor City DPRD immediately held a working meeting, last Wednesday. The inaugural working meeting was used by Commission II of the Bogor City DPRD to evaluate the performance of the Bogor City BUMD, one of which was Perumda Pasar Pakuan Jaya (PPJ).

Deputy Chairman I of the Bogor City DPRD, M. Rusli Prihatevy who is also the coordinator of Commission II of the Bogor City DPRD, expressed his views on the performance of Perumda PPJ.

In the meeting, Rusli conveyed that as a working partner, he hoped that the board of directors could communicate well and carry out their duties well in order to increase the contribution of Regional Original Revenue (PAD) through dividends.

"Honestly, every time we convey it in a Banggar, only PPJ has a small profit deposit. Meanwhile, we understand that the process of Perumda PPJ cannot be separated from problems in the past and we hope that Perumda PPJ can transform for the better. Therefore, with a myriad of visions and missions, the new board of directors, hopefully, this can provide good benefits," explained Rusli.

Furthermore, Rusli also highlighted the title of BBB which was labeled to Perumda PPJ. This indicates that the balance of finance and internal conditions of Perumda PPJ are still far from healthy.

The process of revitalizing 11 markets that has been carried out since 2023 until now is also considered by Rusli to be one of the problems that must be resolved immediately. Given that if the revitalization process does not complete, there will be a vacancy in income like what happened at Plaza Bogor.

Where the emptying process has been carried out since 2023 but until now there has been no progress on construction. Even the demolition of the building, which is planned to be completed in mid-2024, missed its planning.

"Today, Commission II concerns, we want to work together, partner well with communication, programs and budget support so that conditions can be healthy," he concluded.

Regarding the existence of the New Land Market which was just inaugurated by the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan at the end of 2023, a member of Commission II of the Bogor City DPRD, Akhmad Saeful Bakhri, assessed that Perumda PPJ was wrong in determining the steps.

This is because the Tanah Baru Market, which is used as a wet market where meat and vegetable traders dominate, is not in accordance with the conditions of the area around the market.

This causes market conditions that are empty of visitors because they are less competitive with the existence of Jambu Dua Market and other wet markets, when compared to commodity prices.

So he suggested that the Tanah Baru Market be converted into a thematic market that focuses on selling clothing commodities and religious attributes.

"Regarding the new land market, life is reluctant to die, I don't want to. Why is this being used as a wet market. Losing to Jambu two, prices can't be cheaper. This should be used as the thematic market. It's close to pesantren. So the traders on the side of the pesantren are moved into the market. Every night Tuesday is very crowded because there is recitation," he said.

ASB also asked the board of directors of Perumda PPJ to submit notes and data on profit and dividend achievements from the last 10 years. Because this will later become the basis for Commission II of the Bogor City DPRD to determine the revenue target for Perumda PPJ.

"So from the 10-year trend, we can project what the future will be like. We want our friends at Perumda PPJ to come out of their comfort zone so that they can develop their business even better through the targets we set," he concluded.