51 Kg Of Crystal Methamphetamine Destroyed, Suspect Threatened With Death Penalty

TANJUNG SELOR Polda Kaltara destroyed 51,553.85 grams of crystal methamphetamine evidence. The illicit goods were obtained from the results of drug disclosure for the period July to September 2024.

Kaltara Police Chief Inspector General Hary Sudwijanto said the Kaltara Police were working with the BNNP Kaltara, Regional Office of DJBC Kalbagtim, Lantamal XIII Tarakan. Four police reports (LP) were reported with five suspects.

"Five suspects each with the initials MLP, I, A, I and Y," said Hary, Wednesday, October 2.

The total amount of evidence that was secured from the five suspects was 51,553.85 grams of crystal methamphetamine. Of this amount, it was intended to prove 14.6 grams of court and 14.4 grams of laboratory examination.

"From this disclosure, we will continue to investigate," said the Kapolda.

The plan is that methamphetamine will be distributed to several regions in Indonesia, namely Samarinda, Bone and Parepare. Suspect Y is an international network.

"This is the Tawau International (Malaysia) network, evidence of methamphetamine will be distributed to Parepare, South Sulawesi," he said.

If it is judged economically, this drug is estimated to be worth IDR 51.5 billion.

Meanwhile, the five suspects were charged with Article 114 paragraph 2 subsidiary Article 112 paragraph 2 of Law (UU) Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of death penalty.

"We will never stop until we reveal the case. We will pursue the assets, we will use TPPU (Money Laundering Crime). By impoverishing the suspect, it is hoped that it can provide a deterrent effect to dealers and narcotics couriers," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Director of Drug Investigation (Dirnarkoba) of the Kaltara Police, Kombes Ronny Tri Prasetyo, said that his party did not only disclose drug cases.

According to the direction of the National Police Headquarters, they will also conduct an investigation into money laundering offenses.

"Currently, we are still investigating the money laundering offenses against five suspects from the disclosure of drug cases for the July-September period," he explained.

The Kaltara Regional Police stated their commitment to impoverish all drug suspects. According to him, this action will have a very broad impact.

"We will never stop by arresting the perpetrators. We will pursue the assets, we will use TPPU," he said.