Cleaning The Jakarta Cathedral Church, Ensuring All Rooms Are Sprayed With Disinfectant After The Tri Holy Day Mass

JAKARTA - The Jakarta Cathedral Church ensures that every room is cleaned and sprayed with disinfectant. This is done in order to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in the middle of the tri holy day celebration, which runs from Thursday, April 1 to Sunday, April 4.

"After every service, the Cathedral performs disinfection in the entire church room," the Cathedral Church's Holy Week 2021 media report said on Friday, April 2.

In addition, restrictions were placed on congregants who would participate in worship activities. In the midst of this pandemic, the seating capacity provided for Holy Week services is only 309 seats or 20 percent of the total capacity of the church.

"200 people are in the Cathedral Church and 109 people are in Plaza Maria."

Those who are allowed to attend must first register through the website provided by the Jakarta Archdiocese. In addition, those who attended were in good health and were not classified as the elderly or aged 18-59 years.

Furthermore, the committee for the Holy Week worship program also ensured that the Jakarta Cathedral Church followed the health protocol guidelines set by the Jakarta Archdiocese. This is done by providing a body temperature measuring device, hand washing place, hand sanitizer, adjusting the seat distance.

"This is done as an effort to strictly implement health protocols to break the chain of COVID-19."

Previously reported, Kapolsek Sawah Besar AKP Maulana Mukarom explained that the Good Friday celebration at the Cathedral would be held at 15.00 WIB and 18.00 WIB. As a means of anticipation, romantic vehicles have been prepared. In addition, 150 joint TNI-Polri personnel have also been provided.

"For roughly the same personnel, there are 150 joint TNI Polri personnel, there are Satpol PP, and there is a bomb disposal unit that is on standby for 1x24 hours. Last night there were also members who were plotting to be on standby to patrol until the morning," said Maulana to reporters. , Friday, April 2.

In addition, the Directorate of Security of Vital Objects (Pam Obvit) Polda Metro Jaya also provides X-Ray devices and metal detectors. This tool will later be used to screen those who will enter and leave the church.