Minister Of Religion Wishes Good Friday And Easter: Conquer Fear With Hope

JAKARTA - The Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, through the official channel of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion on YouTube, congratulated all Christians in Indonesia to celebrate Good Friday and Easter.

In the 2 minute 35 second recording, the Minister of Religion invited the Christian community to always be grateful for the protection of God Almighty.

"Happy celebrating Good Friday and Easter for Christians throughout Indonesia," he said, Friday, April 2.

He said that in Christian belief these two celebrations are a reminder and encouragement to always love one another and protect the life of the world, and conquer fear and uncertainty through hope.

Furthermore, the Minister of Religion also said that this celebration must be accompanied by an atmosphere of concern in the COVID-19 pandemic that is being experienced by all citizens of the world.

"The pandemic situation will certainly affect the way we celebrate Good Friday and Easter," he said.

On this occasion, he also explained that the government continues to strive to overcome the COVID-19 outbreak through the vaccination program that is currently being implemented. Not forgetting that the Minister of Religion continues to invite the public to always maintain health protocols so that this pandemic can end soon.

"We appeal to all Christians to stick to health protocols to protect our own lives and the lives of others," he added.

However, the Minister of Religion is sure that this new condition will not reduce the sacredness of the momentum of Good Friday and Easter.

"Even though the Good Friday and Easter services are carried out in a simple way, it does not reduce our joy with one another," he said.