Salaries And Allowances For Members Of The DPR RI 2024-2029, This Is The Total

YOGYAKARTA - The inauguration and oath of office of members of the DPR RI for the period 2024-2029 from eight parties was officially held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Apart from members of the DPR, at the same time 152 members of the DPD RI were also held. The number of members of the DPR RI for the 2024-2029 period is 580 more people than the previous period.

As for members of the DPR RI for the 2019-2024 period, it is known that there are 575 people. During his five years serving as representatives of the people, the 580 members of the DPR will get fantastic salaries and allowances from the government. What do you think about the salaries and allowances of members of the DPR RI 2024-2029?

The amount of salary of the DPR RI has been determined based on Government Regulation Number 75 of 2000 concerning the Basic Salaries of the Leadership of the Highest Institutions / State Highs and Members of State High Institutions and Honorary Money for Members of the Highest State Institutions.

In this regulation, the amount of the basic salary for the Speaker of the DPR is set at IDR 5,040,000 per month, then for the Deputy Speaker of the DPR it is IDR 4,620,000 per month, and for the basic salary for members of the DPR, it is IDR 4,200,000 per month.

Selalin salary, seluruh anggota DPR RI mulai dari anggota hingga pimpinan akan menerima allowance yang jumlah disesuaikan dengan jabatannya. Semakan tinggi jabatan, jumlah danak yang diterima akan semakin besar.

The amount of the allowance is regulated in the Circular Letter of the Secretariat General of the DPR RI No.KU.00/9414/DPR RI/XII/2010 and in the Letter of the Minister of Finance number S-520/MK.02/2015.

In this provision, DPR allowances also consist of allowances for wives, child allowances, rice allowances, trial money, credit facilities, and finally DPR members also receive budget allowances for office houses. These allowances are divided into two types, including attached allowances and other allowances.

If all the allowances above are calculated, then a member of the DPR can pocket money of at least IDR 54,051,903 every month. This figure would be greater if the member served as deputy chairman or chairman of the DPR. Because, such as the basic salary, allowances for the leadership of the DPR will also have a larger value than allowances for ordinary members.

However, the salaries and allowances above have not been accompanied by travel fees at the amount below:

In addition, members of the DPR also received facilities in the form of office houses located in the Kalibata, South Jakarta, and Ulujami, West Jakarta as well as a budget for the maintenance of office houses.

The people's representatives will also receive a pension allowance of 60% of the salary of members of the DPR (main salary) or IDR 2,520,000 per month.

Such is the review of the salaries and allowances of members of the DPR RI 2024-2029. Visit to get other interesting information.