As Chairman Of The DPD, Sultan Najamudin Immediately Meets Prabowo

Chairman of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) Sultan B Najamudin stated that he would soon meet with the elected president, Prabowo Subianto, after defeating La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti in the election for the chairman of the DPD RI at the Nusantara V Building, parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 2 in the morning.

According to Sultan, friendship between leaders of state institutions is important to create harmonious relations.

"Of course, because they (the government) have repeatedly said that we must meet each other and discuss often," said the Sultan at the DPD building, Jakarta.

Sultan also revealed that Prabowo had emphasized his desire for Indonesia to become a developed country, and the key to making it happen was harmony among the elite and society.

"Prabowo said that we must unite and be strong. A country as big as Indonesia has the main capital in our diversity," said Sultan.

However, the Sultan has yet to determine the exact time for the meeting. "In the near future (will meet Prabowo)," he concluded.

The election for the Chairperson of the DPD takes place on Tuesday, October 1 at 19.30 WIB until Wednesday, September 2 at 01.52 in the morning, followed by 151 DPD members.

During this period, the electoral system for the chairman of the DPD RI was carried out in a package of candidates for leadership. There are two packages, each consisting of four members of the DPD. The Sultan package, which represents the sub-West Region I, consists of GKR Hemas (Yogyakarta Special Region, Sub-West Region II), Yorrys Raweyai (Papua, Sub-Regional East II), and Tamsil Linrung (South Sulawesi, Sub-Regional East I).

The Sultan's package won the most votes with 95 votes, outperforming La Nyalla's package which only received 56 votes. La Nyalla collaborated with Nono Sampono (senator from Maluku), Elviana (senator from Jambi), and Andi Muhammad Ihsan (senator from South Sulawesi).

Based on the voting results, the Sultan was appointed as chairman of the DPD, while GKR Hemas, Yorrys Raweyai, and Tamsil Linrung served as deputy Chairs I, II, and III DPD respectively.