Take A Peek At 7 Moments Ussy Sulistiawaty Reaches Finish Berlin Marathon, Haru Wins Second Medal

YOGYAKARTA Held on September 29, 2024, Berlin time, at this event Ussy Sulistiawaty managed to win his second medal. Through Ussy's story, the journey to participate in this marathon event is quite a struggle and consistency. Take a peek at Ussy Sulistiawaty's story and moments to finish the medal necklace in the following portrait.

Through a description of social media uploads, Ussy talked about his gratitude for going through all the processes. He admits that he has loved the totality, including the 'love' of sports that he has been working on lately.

In the portrait above, Ussy waved her hand at her husband, Andhika Pratama, who captured the moment when his wife ran a marathon. Ussy's hobby does not only seem to take time, energy, and money. But it is also done wholeheartedly and regulates a healthy mindset.

Session after session at Ussy's training. Starting from stretch, performance, to overall health checks, Ussy prepares for this race in Berlin.

Not without a test, Ussy admitted that his legs began to cramp when he reached a distance of 40 kilometers. His running began to limp, but the challenge was resolved sweetly.

At the finish point, her husband waited and greeted with a proud and cheerful smile. The marathon event, which was attended by 59,000 runners, has a 42.195 kilometer running path. Ussy Sulistiawaty managed to reach this distance for 4 hours 29 minutes 34 seconds.

In the portrait above, Ussy is supported and accompanied by her husband. The two of them took pictures with a patterned face. Seen behind the marathon location which is crowded with supporters.

The portrait of Ussy Sulistiawaty above shows off his second marathon medal. You can see wearing sunglasses with a reddish face with tears of emotion over paying off the finish of your struggle during training.