Targeting To Become A World LNG Hub, PIS Performs Fleet Rejuvenation And Technology Adaptation

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) has confirmed that it will take advantage of the momentum of the Southeast Asian region to become one of the main hubs for world LNG trading.

Direktur Tanker Minyak Mentah dan Minyak Bumi PIS Brilian Perdana di forum Gastech 2024, Amerika Serikat, menyampaikan, bahwa kebutuhan LNG dunia akan terus meningkat sekitar 5 per tahun dan akan mencapai 666 million tons per annum (MTPA) pada 2033. Guna memenuhi permintaan tersebut, diperkirakan butuh 100 kapal baru dalam 9 tahun mendatang.

That's why we are trying to rejuvenate the age of our fleet. At the same time, we are also open and trying to adopt the latest technology that is more environmentally friendly both in terms of efficiency and consumption to meet these high needs," said Brilian, Tuesday, October 1.

He added that LNG has proven to be an alternative energy source with lower emissions than other energy sources. Moreover, this commodity also has an important role in supporting the energy transition.

Anticipating this, PIS is preparing to enter the LNG market by owning an LNG carrier. PIS's capacity and portfolio as a logistics maritime company in the international market are the strong capital of PIS to contribute to this environmentally friendly energy supply effort.

Brilian added, not only preparing a fleet of tankers, PIS also continues to develop the capacity and capability of Indonesian sailors to be able to compete in the global arena.

"Currently 60 percent of sailors in the world are contributed from the Philippines and Indonesia. So in terms of population, we already have the potential to continue to develop and increase the capacity of the sailors."

Director of Deputy Head of Drewry Maritime Services Asia Pte Ltd, Jayendu Krishna revealed that the Southeast Asian Region recorded stable growth every year at more than 4 percent. From this growth, Southeast Asia recorded a total of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US$3.4 trillion.

"Of course, there is a very good growth hope for the region, and we expect growth above 4 percent for the whole Southeast Asia," Krishna said.

With this achievement, Southeast Asia's GDP can be the fifth largest in the world after the United States, China, Japan and Germany.

Krishna considered that the opportunity for PIS to be at the forefront of the clean energy sector was very wide open. He pointed out that PIS has a large and advanced fleet, while many other shipowners in Southeast Asia are still relatively small and less equipped to meet sustainability goals.

"PIS has the potential to be a pioneer in decarbonization efforts. Determining the right way to decarbonize and the impact of targets on climate change is the most urgent concern in today's industry," Krishna concluded.