Leaders Talk Of Good Collaboration Council Members Make An Improvement Of The Image Of The DPR

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the DPR for Politics and Security, Lodewijk F. Paulus, said that for five years, all members of the DPR for the 2019-2024 period had carried out a very good collaboration. Thanks to this slick collaboration, the image of the DPR RI has also increased.

"We collectively and collegially have been working together for 5 years. Thank God, today's evidence states that our collaboration is very good," said Lodewijk after the last Plenary Meeting of the DPR for the 2019-2024 period at the Nusantara II Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday 30 September.

"Well, the easiest benchmark is the image of the DPR from government institutions in the survey. We are number 6 or given 62.12% points, very high," he added.

According to the results of the Kompas Research and Development survey in June 2024, public trust in the DPR was at 62.6 percent. The survey results show an increase in the image of the DPR where in December 2023, Litbang Kompas recorded a positive image of the DPR of 50.5 percent.

However, there is indeed ups and downs on the image of the DPR in line with the political dynamics that occur.

"Political dynamics are very thick, especially at the end of yesterday we had elections and regional elections that we will soon carry out, but we can get through all of that and of course this cannot be separated from the help of our media colleagues," explained Lodewijk.

Although this September there has been a decline, the image of the DPR has increased quite significantly compared to the previous year. From the results of the Kompas Research and Development last June, the DPR's positive image increased by 12.1% compared to 2023.

Lodewijk hopes that the trend of increasing the image of the DPR can be maintained in the 2024-2029 DPR period whose members will be sworn in tomorrow, Tuesday (1/10).

"I certainly hope that whoever will lead the DPR RI, is expected to keep this trend getting better," said the legislator from the Lampung I electoral district.

Furthermore, Lodewijk hopes that the DPR's 3 functions, namely the legislative, budget and supervision of the executive, can run well through optimal collaboration. He emphasized that all the work of the DPR must be able to prosper the Indonesian people.

Lodewijk also apologized if during the last five years, the DPR for the 2019-2024 period still had shortcomings while carrying out its duties. He also hopes that the DPR's work will continue to be monitored, including by media that have a control function.

"We really need help from fellow journalists for how to socialize what we are screaming for thanks," said Lodewijk.

Previously in December 2023, Litbang Kompas recorded a positive image of the DPR of 50.5 percent. Meanwhile, in October 2022, according to the same institution, the image of the DPR was at 44.4 percent.

Then the results of the Kompas Research and Development survey on 27 May-2 June 2024, public trust in the DPR was at 62.6 percent. Although not the first, this representative of the people's institution was recorded to be able to increase the highest positive image, which was 12.1 percent compared to the previous year.

Even the number of increasing the image of the DPR beats the TNI, which is in first place. Based on this data, it means that there is a positive trend of public appreciation to the DPR from year to year.[18:17, 30/09/2024] Chess: Praise DPR 2019-2024 Solid, Puan Expects The Same thing in Next Period Council Members

Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, praised the solidarity of members of the House of Representatives for the 2010-2024 period which closed her service period today. She also hopes that members of the House of Representatives for the next period will continue their cohesiveness so that legislative institutions will maximize their work for the welfare of the people.

"The DPR RI 2019-2024, on September 30, 2024, has completed its task for 5 years in the midst of global conditions which at that time were not fine until finally Alhamdulillah, today everything was going well," said Puan.

This was conveyed by him after chairing the last Plenary Meeting of the DPR for the 2019-2024 period at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (30/9/2024). According to Puan, the compactification in the work shown by members of the DPR for the 2019-2024 period can maximize the legislative function.

"With the spirit of mutual cooperation, togetherness, and unity with us, the leadership and all members of the DPR RI and the factions from the start are all compact, solid, carrying out constitutional tasks," said the first woman who served as Chair of the DPR RI.

Puan emphasized that the DPR for the period 2019-2024 had carried out maximum work. He stated that the legislative function of the DPR had been carried out in accordance with existing mechanisms.

"We have implemented it according to the existing mechanism. We have tried for 5 years, but it may not be perfect. Of course, we also continue to accept criticism and autocritical in building the nation in the future to be able to perfect the legislative processes," said Puan.

Regarding the function of budgeting, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture said that the DPR for the 2019-2024 period faced many challenges, one of which was the Covid-19 pandemic. Including, said Puan, during a transitional period of government where the DPR provides space for the upcoming government to make policies that are in accordance with the vision and mission of its cabinet.

"Regarding the function of the budget, the DPR has also completed its budget function during this transition period towards the next government. We provide space for the upcoming government to make policies in accordance with vision and mission," explained Puan.

The DPR RI has also carried out a supervisory function for the implementation of the Law and the optimal performance of the Government. During the 2019-2024 period, the DPR has carried out the supervisory function through a working meeting of 1,063 meetings, 1,356 hearings (RDP) as many as 852 meetings.

The DPR for the 2019-2024 period has also made working visits (kunkers) to the regions as many as 1,199 visits, 163 accounts abroad, 1,600 specific accounts, 418 working committees and 1 special committee (Pansus).

Puan stated that the DPR's supervision functions in carrying out the principles of checks and balances on the government and state institutions in carrying out their laws and main duties.

To note, as many as 580 elected members of the DPR for the 2024-2029 period will be sworn in tomorrow, Tuesday (1/10). The new council members are expected to have the same compactification as the DPR for the previous period.

"1 October morning, God willing, members of the new DPR will be sworn in for the period 2024-2029 and God willing, along with their leaders, to carry out constitutional tasks for the next 5 years as well as to be good, compact and solid to build Indonesia in the future as we hope together," explained Puan.

At the end of her term of office, Puan on behalf of all members of the DPR and the DPR leadership for the 2019-2024 period thanked all Indonesian people.

"We would like to thank the people of Indonesia for trusting us. Even though we are not perfect, we have tried to do our best, according to what we can do," said Bung Karno's grandson.

"Of course we apologize for all the shortcomings as long as we carry out our duties as leaders and members of the DPR RI for the past 5 years," added Puan.

When asked by reporters regarding the news that he would return to be the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan only answered briefly.

"Amen, God willing," he said.

Puan also stated that currently she is still focused on the inauguration ceremony of members of the DPR RI 2024-2029 first. He hopes that the DPR leadership election mechanism for the 2024-2029 period tomorrow will run well and smoothly in accordance with applicable laws.

"God willing, tomorrow the inauguration of new members will be held in the morning, after that, there will be a next mechanism for the leadership of the DPR which will begin with a consultation meeting from representatives of factions or party representatives represented by the factions," said Puan.

"We hope that everything goes well and smoothly in accordance with the existing law," he concluded.