Towards Indonesia Digital 2045, Kominfo Encourages Integration Of Public Services

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information continues to encourage the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2023 concerning the Acceleration of Digital Transformation and the Integratedness of National Digital Services (PTKLDN).

Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi revealed that there are at least three main pillars that support the creation of effective and efficient digital services, the first is Digital ID, which acts as a guarantee of identity and protection of personal data.

Then the second is the Data Exchange Platform, which acts as an information toll road to facilitate service integration, then the third is digital payment, which makes it easier for public transactions.

"As part of the integrated digital identity service ecosystem as well as the national portal ecosystem, INAKU, INAGOV, and INAPAS are released in stages and limited," said Budi.

INAKU is a national public service portal, while INAGOV is a national government administration portal that integrates various digital services that facilitate the management of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

Meanwhile, INPAS is an integrated identity service that serves the identification of the Indonesian government's electronics, authentication, and authorization.

Not only that, Budi also said that Kominfo has the task of building application domains and infrastructure domains to accelerate efforts to develop government services.

"What has been done by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics such as providing a Government Service Liaison System (SPLP), Government Intra Network (JIP), National Portal, and National Data Center (PDN)," he explained.

All efforts to accelerate the development and integration of government services are in line with the targets of digital government within the framework of the 2045 Digital Indonesia Vision (VID).