Central Sulawesi Police Detain 2 Police Persecuting Detainees At Palu Police

JAKARTA - The Central Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda) detained two police officers suspected of molesting a Palu Police detainee.

"We have carried out an in-depth investigation by collecting facts, and conducting a thorough evaluation of whether there is a potential for negligence or procedural violations by the prison guard," said Head of Propam Polda Sulteng Kombes Rama Samtama Putra, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, September 30.

He explained that the Central Sulawesi Regional Police Propam had examined 26 witnesses, consisting of prison guard officers, detainees, hospital staff, investigators and others.

Two police officers who have been detained have not been named as suspects, the detention is to facilitate the process of further investigation.

"From the examination of witnesses, we found the fact that there had been an alleged abuse by the prison guard, namely Bripda CH assisted by Bripda M," he said.

Rama said that the examination was carried out by his party not only to witnesses, but the surveillance camera footage at the Palu Police was also confiscated by the Central Sulawesi Police Propam.

"We confiscated surveillance camera footage at the Polresta and sent it to the National Police Headquarters to be handled by a team of experts," he said.

Meanwhile, Central Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Agus Nugroho emphasized that the disclosure of the case of the death of BA prisoners was carried out transparently and openly, both in handling the main case and the cause of BA's death.

"The Central Sulawesi Police took over the handling of the case of the death of a detainee who was previously handled by the Palu Police," he said.

Not only that, the Central Sulawesi Regional Police have formed a number of teams to strengthen the disclosure of cases.

Di tempat yang sama Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Umum (Dirreskrimum) Polda Sulteng Kombes Pol Parajohan Simanjuntak menyampaikan motif dugaan penganiayaan dilakukan dua petugas penjagahan atas dasar senang, sebab saat tingguh penjabat lain melapor karena BA dianggap siluh dan mengganggu.

The motive is still being investigated by a special team, is there anything else behind it so that the person concerned commits persecution.

Based on the results of the interim examination, the persecution in question was that Bripda M slapped BA and then removed him from his room (cell), then Bripda CH hit twice on the face and Ulu Hati with his hand.

"The alleged abuse was carried out in the early hours of the morning and was seen by a number of prisoners who had not slept," he said.

If in the development of this case it is proven that two members of the Palu Police are involved, the threat is Article 354 subsidiary Pasar 351 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution with a threat of 10 years in prison.

BA was reportedly detained at the Palu Police on September 2, 2024 for cases of domestic violence (KDRT).

He was declared dead on September 13 in the morning at Bhayangkara Hospital in Palu.