Remember, ASNs Who Are Out Of Town On Easter Holidays Must Get Written Permission From Their Superiors

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, reminded the State Civil Service (ASN) that going out of town must have written permission from their superiors.

Travel outside the area, said Wiku, is also only permitted to be done in the context of an official trip or assignment. This is in order to reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

This is stated in the Circular of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (MenPAN-RB) Tjahjo Kumolo Number 7 of 2021.

"The Task Force wants to remind ASN employees. If there is a really urgent need that requires ASN employees to go out of the area, please ensure that they get written permission from the civil servant in their agency," Wiku said in a YouTube broadcast of the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, 1 April.

In addition, Wiku also reminded local governments to optimize the role of post in the regions related to the enforcement of health programs during holidays.

"The Task Force understands that many regions anticipate tourist visits to their area during this holiday. Therefore, the Task Force urges the regional officers to take advantage of this momentum to prove that the health program can be maintained amid the increase in the number of migrants," he explained.

It is known that ASNs are prohibited from traveling outside the area during the 2021 Jesus Day Commemoration. The ban, which lasts for four days, applies to ASNs and their families.

"State Civil Servants and their families are prohibited from traveling outside the region and / or going home from April 1-4, 2021," said the SE, signed by the Minister of PANRB Tjahjo Kumolo.

Travel prohibition exceptions apply to ASNs for special reasons. First, ASN who is carrying out an official duty trip with an Assignment Letter signed by at least the Primary High Leadership Officer or the Head of the Work Unit.







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Second, ASNs who are forced to travel outside the region, by first obtaining written permission from the Civil Service Officer (PPK) in their respective agencies.

However, keep in mind that ASNs who have obtained permission to travel outside the region must always pay attention to four things.

Among them, the risk zoning map for the spread of COVID-19 established by the COVID-19 Handling Task Force; regulations and / or policies of the local government (pemda) of the origin and destination of the trip regarding restrictions on the entry and exit of people; travel criteria, requirements and protocols stipulated by the Ministry of Transportation and the COVID-19 Handling Task Force; and health protocols that have been established by the Ministry of Health.