Hooray! THR Is Paid In Full This Year, Coordinating Minister For Airlangga: Do Not Pay In Installments

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto emphasized that business actors are required to carry out the full payment of holiday allowances (THR) to workers this year.

He revealed this when he received representatives of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin Indonesia) at his office, Thursday, April 1.

"Last year, the THR was paid in installments, I ask this year to be paid in full. We have to commit, "he said in an official statement.

He conveyed this attitude considering that the government has provided support in various forms, such as tax relaxation and economic stimulus.

"I encourage Kadin members in the regions to continue to hone the potential of their respective regions so that they can be developed so as to accelerate the process of economic recovery," he said.

Furthermore, the Coordinating Minister for Airlangga revealed that further strategic steps would be to target the tourism sector, especially hotels, restaurants and cafes.

He also asked entrepreneurs to take advantage of the credit relaxation facility for additional working capital with a guarantee system that would be distributed through the Association of State-Owned Banks (Himbara) and Regional Development Banks (BPD).

The meeting was also attended by 24 Kadin representatives from various regions who conveyed the potential of their respective regions and matters that require solutions and policies from the central government. Meanwhile, from the central Chamber of Commerce, among others, Anindya Bakrie, Benny Soetrisno, and Erwin Aksa.

In addition, Kadin Indonesia officially expressed his appreciation for various breakthroughs made by the state, including pre-employment cards, completion of the Job Creation Law, national economic recovery that focuses on MSMEs, and the national vaccination program.

Attending the meeting with the Coordinating Minister for Airlangga this afternoon, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce representatives, among others, Anindya Bakrie, Benny Soetrisno, Erwin Aksa, and several Kadin heads from various regions.