Set 3 Elected Candidates Who Have Been Fired By PKB, KPU And Bawaslu Will Be Complained To The President

Secretary General of PKB Hasanuddin Wahid said his party would file a complaint against the decision of the KPU and Bawaslu RI to the President of the Republic of Indonesia so as not to inaugurate three candidates for legislative members to become members of the DPR RI.

The reason is that the elected candidates determined by the Indonesian KPU have been dismissed from PKB. As stated in the KPU decision number 1,401 of 2024.

The three candidates are the personal secretary of the Head of PBNU, Achmad Ghufron Sirodj alias Lora Gopong, the younger brother of the Secretary General of PBNU, Irsyad Yusuf, and Ali Ahmad.

"How can KPU and Bawaslu annull the party's rights and authorities which are protected by the PKB Law and AD/ART regarding the dismissal of its members?" Hasanuddin said in his statement, Sunday, September 29.

For PKB, Hasanuddin continued, Bawaslu made decisions that exceeded his authority. Meanwhile, the KPU should not have to change its own decision, namely Decree number 1349 of 2024.

"How is it possible and what is the basis for the KPU to determine the person who has been dismissed from PKB to become the elected alleg," said Hasanuddin.

According to Hasanuddin, the KPU and Bawaslu should not have determined first or asked the three people who had been dismissed from the party to be sworn in. Because he said, the three candidates were making legal remedies and resolving disputes through the Party Court and District Court.

"The legal process is ongoing, all parties should respect all of these legal processes by not issuing decisions in any form until the court's decision has permanent legal force," he said.

Hasanuddin stated that PKB will continue to maintain and fight for decisions in upholding party discipline for its members which are taken based on proposals from the DPC and DPW as well as in-depth studies.

"Therefore, the PKB DPP is considering filing an objection letter and requesting the Indonesian KPU and the President of the Republic of Indonesia through the Minister of State Secretary so as not to inaugurate the three names until the internal party dispute gets a court decision and has permanent legal force," Hasanuddin explained.

In addition, Hasanuddin added, PKB is also considering filing a lawsuit with the Administrative Court against the Indonesian KPU Decree Number 1,401 of 2024 dated 28 September 2024 concerning the Fifth Amendment to KPU Decree Number 1,206 concerning Determination of Candidates for Elected Members of the DPR in the 2024 General Election.

"Another thing we can do is examine and review the possible violations of the code of ethics committed by the Indonesian Bawaslu commissioner to be complained to the DKPP RI. We do all of this to ensure the authority and discipline of the party as regulated in the AD ART PKB guaranteed by the Political Party Law," Hasanuddin concluded.