There Is PPnBM Relaxation For Motor Vehicles, Car Prices Dropped In 46 Cities

JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted a decline in car prices throughout March 2021. Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics, BPS Setianto, said that the decline in car prices contributed to deflation by 0.03 percent.

He said, several car brands and cars in the 1,500 cc class had decreased prices. However, he did not explain in more detail what brands of cars had dropped in price in the last month.

"What is clear from the field data that we have captured is that in March, the price of cars has decreased," he said in a virtual press conference, Thursday, April 1.

Setianto said, of the 90 cities of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) monitored by BPS, 46 cities experienced a decline in car prices and the highest was in Manado.

Furthermore, said Setianto, the decline in car prices was inseparable from the issuance of Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 20 / PMK.010 / 2021 concerning PPnBM for the Delivery of Taxable Goods Classified as Luxury in the Form of Certain Motorized Vehicles Borne by the Government for the 2021 Budget.

"This is valid March 1 and has an impact on the decline in new car prices," he explained.

Overall, he said, the transportation group in March experienced a deflation of 0.25 percent. Of the four sub-groups in this group, two sub-groups experienced deflation and two others experienced inflation.

The sub-groups that experienced deflation included the vehicle purchases sub-group by 1.02 percent and the passenger transportation services sub-group by 0.1 percent.

Meanwhile, the sub-group that experienced inflation was the sub-group operating personal transportation equipment by 0.02 percent and the freight forwarding sub-group by 0.01 percent.