Kompolnas Asks For Routine Patrols To Continue Amid The Spotlight Of Cases Of 7 Bekasi River Bodies

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) has asked for patrol activities to continue even though they are receiving negative attention in the aftermath of the seven-body case in Kali Bekasi.

A negative highlight arose because the police on patrol were suspected of not acting according to standard operating procedures (SOP).

"Kompolnas actually encourages patrols to be carried out regularly," said Commissioner of Kompolnas Poengky Indarti to VOI, Friday, September 27.

According to him, the patrol carried out by the police was the first step to prevent crime. In particular, areas that are considered vulnerable.

Crimes that can be prevented by carrying out patrols ranging from robbery, theft of motorized vehicles to brawls.

"So that crimes can be prevented and can protect and protect the community. Do not let people become victims of street crimes such as robbery, brawls between gangs, gang convoys by slashing machetes, and so on," he said.

Specifically for the case of seven bodies in Kali Bekasi, Poengky asked the public not to immediately conclude the police were the cause.

However, parents also have a role to play in preventing their children from gathering late at night. Where, it has the potential for crime, both as a perpetrator and as a victim.

"The children must really make sure they are safe at home at night until the morning, so that the child does not become a victim of crime or fall into a crime," said Poengky.