PLN Together With The Ministry Of Agriculture Launch Integrated Agricultural Models To Develop Biomass Cofiring

PT PLN (Persero) through the Indonesian Primary Energy PLN Sub-holding (PLN EPI) inaugurated the program "Development of Integrated Economy-Based Biomass Ecosystems" in a 100-hectare critical area in Bojongkapol Village, Bojonggambir District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java.

President Director of PLN EPI, Iwan Agung Firstantara revealed that the biomass used by PLN EPI to meet co-firing needs mostly comes from agricultural and plantation waste. Because the need continues to increase, his party invites the people of Tasikmalaya Regency to take advantage of this opportunity to gain economic income.

The Biomass Ecosystem Development Program in Tasikmalaya, carried out by planting 100 thousand indigofera plants. PLN EPI will also hand over 205 sheep to be cultivated. Previously, cultivation training had also been carried out, so that people could take advantage of it, "explained Iwan, Friday, September 27.

It did not stop there, Iwan also said that the planting of this energy plant was carried out using an overlapping system in the form of chilies, tomatoes, and cucumbers. So that in addition to being able to be used as a source of animal feed and biomass raw materials, it can also be used for additional income from the community.

"With this program, PLN hopes to build a sustainable biomass ecosystem where energy plant stems and branches are used for biomass raw materials, while the leaves can be used for animal feed, as well as chilies, tomatoes, and cucumbers can be sold as additional income," added Iwan.

As of the third quarter of 2024, PLN EPI has succeeded in utilizing biomass for co-firing at 46 PLTU of 3 million tons.

This amount, said Iwan, will be increased to 10 million tons in 2025 to meet the needs of biomass in 52 PLTU owned by PLN.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture Sudaryono who was also present to inaugurate the Biomass Ecosystem Development program welcomed the PLN initiative in empowering the community to develop a populist economic-based biomass ecosystem. His party is also ready to synergize with PLN to ensure the success of programs such as providing guidance, presenting extensions so that the program is truly accepted by the community.

"We from the Ministry of Agriculture are ready to synergize, ready to encourage, ready to help, ready to place people. Whatever is good for the people, we are ready for our body and soul for the people," said Sudaryono.