How To Relax Cough By Massage At The Acupuncture Point Of China

YOGYAKARTA - Tired of coughing that never subsides? Maybe massage is the solution you are looking for. So how to relieve cough by massage?

Although it sounds simple, massages at certain acupuncture points have long been used to relieve various health complaints, including coughs. Come on, see how to relieve coughs with effective and safe massages!

Reporting from the Massage Therapy Palo Alto page, cough can be caused by buildup of mucus in the chest. Please note, right below the spine there is a curve sitting next to the stern bone.

To massage, press towards the chest on both sides of the chest at the intersection with the spine. This point relieves the buildup of mucus in the chest, respiratory problems, and coughs.

Then find the last cervical vertebra on the back of a coughed person. This can be recognized because it stands slightly further at the end of the cervical spine than the surrounding vertebra.

Before continuing to read also the article that discusses: 5 Facial Accupuncture Points for Ancient Chinese Beauty

Next, try to count the three downward vertebras. From this third toraks vertebra, the movement of the two thumb to the left and right is about five centimeters towards the spine, until the thumb sinks into two curves. At this point, press three to six times in a row.

Meanwhile, according to Chinese medicine, cough is actually caused by a reversal upward from the qi mechanism. Chinese treatment believes that the lungs control qi and regulate breathing.

In addition, according to China's treatment, it is believed that cough has something to do with the lungs, which is when coughing caused by the evil qi of the internal organs.

LU 9's acupuncture point is included in the lungs of Taiyin's hands, which are commonly used to relieve cough and asthma, sore throat, chest numbness, wrist joint pain, and weak pulse.

This point is also a pulse meeting of eight meeting points and meeting points where qi and blood from the internal organs gather. Massaging this point also has the effect of regulating qi and blood as well as unblocking blood vessels.

You can also do therapy at the acupoint therapy point. Massage at this point is useful for dealing with cough and asthma. Use your thumb to sort Taiyuan's acupuncture points for 3 minutes until it hurts. This method can quickly relieve cough and asthma.

In addition to easing coughs, taiyaan points can also treat pain and tingling in the palms. Press the acupuncture point of taiyan with your thumb for a while, then release it and repeat it 5 to 10 times to relieve pain and tingling in the palms.

This point is also effective for sore throats, along with the sequence and technique of massages:

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