Accompanying The BKKBN 2021 Family Data Collection Process, Ganjar Pranowo: Prepare Data Well

JAKARTA - The National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) Representative of Central Java is ready to carry out the Family Data Collection program in 2021. At least 11.4 million families will be recorded in the Family Data Collection program which is carried out simultaneously nationally.

Central Java BKKBN Representative Head Widwiono said family data collection was carried out every five years throughout Indonesia to record all families.

"In Central Java, there are about 11.4 million families, we have all data," said Widwiono when accompanying Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo to collect family data in Sekayu, Semarang City, Thursday, April 1.

According to him, the purpose of the activity is not only to find family data, but the data generated can also be useful for other offices in need. Given that the data is based on 53 questions that were recorded when the family data collection program was carried out.

"So after this data is tabulated, all other offices that need it can be used," he explained.

"It's different from the population census. This is indeed the focus on family, so about family information. That is what we data, what we record there, "explained Widwiono.

As for the anticipation of the validity of the data, he said that the validity of the data can be justified. This is because BKKBN officers record families by name by address.

"From that data, we can get information about the family. Because it is recorded by name by address, of course this data is the focus. This means, when we open family data, we can get information that is useful for the family itself and the official office in need, "he explained.

In Central Java, there will be around 8,600 family data collection officers deployed. They will cover all families in 35 districts / cities. They have previously undergone training since one month ago, starting from the central, provincial, city regency, sub-district, village level to RT / RW. He has checked their work during the simulation, the officer has been able to run the program.

"So God willing, these cadres are ready," he added.

As for the anticipation of data collection on families who are outside the city, his party will record the families where they live in the next six months.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo assessed the data collection carried out on families which also aims to record the latest family data (update).

"Hopefully this will be good big data. So that the government will be able to present valid data, "said Ganjar when he directly collected family data.

He appealed to residents to help in the data collection. Data collection officers who go to residents must also be equipped with complete identities, so as not to arouse suspicion among residents.

"Prepare data well, provide the latest data so that all records, this data collection are really good," he said.

For information, the Family Data Collection for 2021 by BKKBN will be held April 1-May 31. Data collection is carried out to validate data as the basis for the government in implementing policies to increase and equalize development and community welfare.