Appointing Corrupt Convicts To Become Anti-corruption Agents Is A Gimmick That The KPK Does Not Need To Do
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri hopes that corrupt convicts can become anti-corruption agents. From this plan, the KPK hopes that corruption in society can be prevented.
However, Firli Bahuri's statement was seen as a gimmick that the KPK did not need to do. Moreover, the KPK currently has many anti-corruption prevention programs which should be further encouraged.
"The KPK does not need to make a gimmick like that, because the KPK itself already has ACLC and anti-corruption extension certification. So that program is being intensified", said Transparency International Indonesia (TII) researcher Wawan Suyatmiko when contacted by VOI, Thursday, April 1.
Not only that, he considered Firli and other KPK leaders should continue to strive so that preventive measures must go hand in hand. "When prevention efforts with all these integrity systems begin to be violated, then law enforcement must be carried out", he said.
He conveyed Firli's wish for corruptors who are currently serving time to become anti-corruption agents on Wednesday, March 31 at Sukamiskin Prison, Bandung, West Java. At that time, Firli and the KPK entourage conducted an activity entitled Anti-Corruption Counseling for 25 convicts of corruption cases.
This activity is part of an assimilation program for inmates whose terms of detention are coming to an end. The plan is that this activity will also be carried out at the Tangerang Prison on April 20.
"We hope that this program can provide an understanding of the dangers of corruption. So that it becomes an agent in providing awareness so that the public is not corrupt, not only from the education circles but from corrupt people", Firli said at the event.
"Today is the first day and it will not stop, it will continue. This program is carried out in Sukamiskin because the assisted residents here have the most cases of corruption, the KPK has an interest in eradicating corruption that involves all elements of society including assisted residents", added the former Deputy of Enforcement This KPK.