Sex Therapy: How To Overcome Sexual Disorders Without Medical Care

JAKARTA - Sex therapy is a type of speech therapy designed to help individuals and partners overcome medical, psychological, personal, or interpersonal factors that affect sexual satisfaction.
The purpose of sex therapy is to help people overcome physical and emotional challenges to having a satisfying relationship and a fun sex life. Sexual dysfunction is common. In fact, 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men report experiencing several types of sexual dysfunction during their lives. This dysfunction may include:
A satisfying sex life is healthy and natural. Physical and emotional optimism is an important part of your well-being. When sexual dysfunction occurs, living a satisfying sex life can be difficult.
Sex therapy may help you change sexual challenges and increase your sexual satisfaction.
Sexual therapy is the same as other types of psychotherapy. You handle these conditions by discussing your experiences, worries, and feelings. With the therapist, you then develop a handling mechanism to help increase your response in the future so that you can live a healthier sex life.
During the initial meeting, the therapist will only talk to you or with you and your partner. The therapist is here to guide and help overcome the challenges you are currently facing. The therapist is neither on the same side nor helps persuade anyone.
In each session, the therapist will continue to encourage you to manage and receive better concerns that may lead to sexual dysfunction. All speech therapy, including sex therapy, is a supportive and educational environment.
This is meant to provide comfort and encouragement to change. You will likely leave the therapist's office with the tasks and jobs that must be done before the next meeting.
If your therapist suspects the dysfunction experienced is the result of physical sexual problems, they may refer you to a medical doctor. The therapist and doctor can consult about your signs and symptoms. And work help find physical problems that may contribute to larger sexual problems.
There are several things you need to pay attention to before or during sex therapy.