7 Recommendations For Probiotic High Foods That Are Good For Usus Health

JAKARTA - Your body is filled with good and bad bacteria. Probiotics are one of the good bacteria because they are able to maintain the health of the intestines and function properly. Probiotics are part of the microbiome, namely the microbiome community that works together to maintain the health of the body.

You need probiotics to maintain the body's balance. When sick, good bacteria fight an increase in the number of bad bacteria to keep their levels as close to neutral as possible.

Many food products such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and miso contain probiotics. These products are often known to contain living and active cultures such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

There is no daily intake recommendation for probiotics, but the general guide is to include more probiotic-rich foods into your diet.

Here are seven foods containing high probiotics, reported byWebMD,

Yogurt is made by cultivating milk with bacteria that produce lactic acid, such as Lactobacillus bulgaricles and Streptococcus thermophilus, although more bacteria can also be added. If yogurt is treated heatily, the probiotic content will disappear.

Kimchi is a typical Korean traditional food made from various types of fermented vegetables. The fermented process in making functors actually involves many types of bacteria. However, the most dominant is a probiotic called Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB).

Therefore, the good of probiotics in layoffs is said to be able to provide the same health benefits as yogurt.

Tempe is a food made from soybeans that provides many health benefits. In addition to probiotics, tempeh provides excellent sources of fiber, protein, and iron.

Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage and is often served with sausages or onEXTeurized bread. This traditional German food is a source of fiber, vitamin B, iron, manganese, and more. Unpasted Sauerkraut is a type that contains all these nutrients and healthy probiotics.

Miso is a pasta made by fermented soybeans with salt and several types of good bacteria. The three types of miso are white, yellow, and red. Miso can be added to broth and other ingredients to make a soup that is rich in probiotics and healthy.

Sourdough is processed bread using yeast fermented with the help of lactic-acid (LAB) bacteria. This fermentation process provides many benefits to the body, including making the digestive system better and increasing mineral and vitamin absorption.

Natto is a Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. This food contains good bacteria called subtilis Bacillus. Natto has a unique characteristic that makes it less liked by many people. The smell and taste are quite sharp while the texture is fibered and sticky.