Mass Shooting In California, 4 Killed Including 1 Child

JAKARTA - Four people, including a child, died in a mass shooting at an office complex in Orange, California, United States on Wednesday night, a local police official said.

"The fifth person was taken to the local hospital in critical condition with gunshot wounds", said Lt. Jennifer Amat of the Orange Police Department.

"Tonight at around 5.30 pm officers came to fire in the 202 W. Lincoln area", Amat told a news conference, adding that officers faced gunfire at the scene.

A police officer and the suspect in the shooting were injured and taken to hospital. Amat said the suspect suffered gunshot wounds and was in critical condition.

The department did not provide any other information about the suspect or the victim.

"I can tell you that we haven't had an incident like this in Orange City since 1997. This is truly a tragedy for the victims, their families, our community, and our police department", she said.

News of the mass shooting immediately drew criticism.

"It's terrible and heartbreaking. Our hearts are with the families affected by this tragedy tonight", California Governor Gavin Newsom said in a post on his Twitter account.

California representative Katie Porter said she and her team were monitoring the situation.

"I am deeply saddened by the reports of the mass shooting in Orange County, and I continue to remember the victims and their loved ones as we continue to learn more", Porter wrote on Twitter.

Meanwhile, the FBI bureau in Los Angeles confirmed to CNN that they were responding to the shooting, but the Orange Police Department is the main investigative agency.