"We Just Want To Demand Our Rights To PT Victory Utama Karya"

BULELENG - 32 employees of PT Victory Utama Karya gathered in the parking lot of the Celukan Bawang PLTU area, Bali. Their goal is only one, demanding PT Victory Utama Karya, a labor supply company whose contract period has expired at this PLTU.

PLTU Celukan Bawang is managed by PT General Energi Bali (GEB). PT China Huadian Corporation (CHD), which was contracted for 10 years by PT GEB, collaborated with PT Victory for labor recruitment. According to the contract, PT GEB and PT CHD's cooperation ended, which automatically cut ties with PT Victory as well.

Before the end of the contract period, PT GEB was ready to accommodate workers from PT Victory. But they are obliged to make a letter of resignation first from PT Victory. Only then did PT Garda Arta Bumindo and PT Garda Satya Perkasa who had been partnered with PT GEB as a replacement for PT CHD.

All salaries, positions and allowances have not changed. Everything is the same as what they received when working under the flag of PT Victory.

"And after being re-signed from PT Victory, everything was accepted back. We are working as usual and nothing has changed at all, including the composition of salaries and positions." said Jhon Chua, deputy supervisor of the production engineering division of PLTU Celukan Bawang, who is now working again under the banner of PT Garda Arta Bumindo.

Problems then arose after the management of PT Victory unilaterally lured severance pay to employees due to the end of the contract period. Receiving a paradise promise like that, the employees continued to collect.

"We are only demanding our rights, severance pay to PT Victory," said one employee, Fajar when met, Monday, September 23.

None of the representatives from PT Victory were present to accompany them. After throwing the promise, PT Victory relinquished its responsibility and instead made PLTU Celukan Bawang a scapegoat.

"Until now, Victory's party is very difficult to contact," complained one of the other participants in the action.

SERGUK Indonesia representative Fajar Setyo Nugroho agrees that these 32 employees are indeed demanding PT Victory regarding the promise of giving severance pay. Every time they are prosecuted, PT Victory argues that they are also still waiting for bills from PT GEB and PT CHD which are planned to be used to pay severance pay according to their promise.

Last September 18, the workers met with Ian Leonardi, a comedian from PT Victory. A sweet promise was thrown again if their severance pay would continue to be fought for. But when asked for a black and white statement to support his statement, Ian refused firmly.

"We have urged him, but he refused, the reason was not the leader of PT Victory," said Fajar Setyo, who helped the employees demanding their rights to PT Victory.

Meski tahu aksi mereka ini salah alamat, para karyawan PT Victory ini sempat ditemui I Putu Wibawa, kuasa hukum PT Garda Arta Bumindo (GAB) - perusahaan di bawah arahan PT GEB jadi penyedia pekerja sejak 17 September. Mereka berharap masih bisa diperbolehkan kembali bekerja di PLTU Celukan Bawang melalui PT GAB.

"All their wishes, I will convey them to the management of PT GAB," said I Putu Wibawa.