Kahiyang Ayu Prayer For Medan Mothers: Hopefully Avoid Cancer

JAKARTA - The head of the PKK Medan City Kahiyang Ayu Bobby Nasution paid a work visit to Medan Baru District. This Working Visit was carried out in the context of PKK Institutional Development and the 10 Main PKK and UMKM Programs.

Several agendas were carried out during work visits, including reviewing the IV A (Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid) Test at the house of the IVA Test Ceria.

In the review, Kahiyang Ayu directly saw residents who were getting health services before undergoing the IVA test. This Acetic Acid Visual Inspection is a procedure performed as a form of early detection of cervical cancer and can only be done by a gynecologist or other competent health worker so that the diagnosis is not wrong.

Then Kahiyang Ayu also spoke with the medical staff and residents. To the residents of the wife of the Mayor of Medan, he asked them to routinely participate in IV A so that diseases in the body can be detected early.

"Hopefully with this examination, women and mothers can avoid cancer, especially breast cancer and uterine cancer. Also, I remind you to comply with health protocols", said Kahiyang in Medan, Thursday, April 1.

Then the Chairperson of the Medan City PKK TP and his entourage reviewed the recycling of waste into finished products in the form of bags, shoes, and carpets in front of IV A Test Ceria's house. Also, Kahiyang Ayu saw first hand the process of making brooches (hijab accessories) from flannel.

When reviewing waste recycling and brooch making, the Head of the PKK TP appreciated the creativity made by residents in Medan Baru District. It is hoped that this craft can continue to be developed and become a product that has a selling value so that it can help the family economy.

Next, the Medan City TP PKK and entourage saw the products of the MSMEs fostered by TP PKK Medan Baru District. Of several UMKM products, Kahiyang Ayu also bought these products. In the future, the results of MSMEs from 21 districts, according to Kahiyang, will be developed and assisted with marketing to improve the economy of the residents.

On this occasion, the Chairperson of the Medan City PKK TP also provided additional food for the Bougenville PAUD children. As a form of gratitude, one of the PAUD children read a poem to Kahiyang Ayu. It is hoped that this additional food can be useful for PAUD children to become a smart generation.