The Synergy Of The Ministry Of BUMN And BKPM To Provide Facilities For National Entrepreneurs

JAKARTA - The outbreak of the corona virus or COVID-19 has caused a world economic recession. This economic recession, of course, is also being felt by Indonesia. Therefore, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir and Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia signed a memorandum of understanding, so that economic activities can run more quickly.

BUMN Minister Erick Thohir said that his party and BKPM wanted this memorandum of understanding to become a symbol of synergy between government agencies that could build a sense of public optimism in the midst of the crisis.

This memorandum of understanding contains the coordination of tasks and functions within the Ministry of BUMN and BKPM. The goal is that both parties can help each other and support each other in carrying out their duties and functions by utilizing existing resources.

Cooperation that can be carried out between BUMN and BKPM is in the form of exchange of information and data to increase investment realization, accelerate business licensing, and joint promotion activities. As well, investment facilitation for BUMN companies under the guidance of the Ministry of BUMN.

Erick Thohir emphasized that the government will not remain silent about the current situation. The government, including state-owned enterprises, will strive to minimize the economic impact that occurs.

"Of course at this time some are asking, how come the focus is on corona suddenly there is the signature of the MoU BKPM and BUMN. But the message is like this that what we are facing is very hard. But there are things we have to do, still our economy has to run. , we have to build our country, "said Erick, in a video conference with journalists at the Ministry of BUMN, Jakarta, Monday, March 30.

This memorandum of understanding, said Erick, was aimed at ensuring that Indonesia was not left behind with other countries regarding recovery in handling COVID-19. Therefore, domestic investment must continue.

"Because don't let us be late again, when China is already recovering, when other countries are already recovering, we are still stuck with corona. This is not allowed. I why invite all BUMN directors to make sure, we continue," he explained.

Erick also hopes that BKPM will always support and prioritize BUMN in accelerating projects that will be carried out. "We have a lot of strategic projects to do," he said.

Likewise, the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia said, with this memorandum of understanding, BKPM and BUMN could remove collective barriers. Because, he said, COVID-19 has had a massive and structured impact.

"We ask for your help so that we can work together in relation to the Investment Activity Report (LKPM) for the first quarter. Because the president's direction is being warned because Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is decreasing, so that we don't fall too far from relying on domestic investment," he said.