Changes In Order And Recommendations Of MPR Ratified At The Plenary Session

JAKARTA - Chairman of the MPR RI, Bambang Soesatyo, said that the 2019-2024 MPR Final Plenary Session has ratified two important decisions: MPR Regulation Number I/MPR/2024 concerning the Order of the People's Consultative Assembly and MPR Decree Number III/MPR/2024 concerning MPR Recommendations for the 2019-2024 Term of office.

This amendment to the People's Consultative Assembly includes the addition of one chapter and eight articles, bringing them to 16 chapters and 182 articles. The changes made are editorial, including the refinement of the formulation of articles and verses to adapt to applicable regulations and rules of Indonesian language. One important change is the replacement of the nomenclature decision' to decision as a legal product of the MPR.

Bambang Soesatyo, who is familiarly called Bamsoet, explained that there was a change in the phrase in the People's Consultative Assembly, such as the member group' to become the 'DPD group,' and mostly' was changed to mostly. This change was made to adapt to the new nomenclature in articles and verses, as well as improve the use of good Indonesian language and rules.

The MPR Honorary Court is also one of the important additions to this new order. This ad hoc institution will handle complaints of violations of the code of ethics by members of the MPR. The Honorary Court is regulated in articles 56 to 61, and its existence is expected to be able to strengthen the ethics and integrity of legislative institutions.

The MPR Decree Number III/MPR/2024 also contains strategic recommendations for the MPR for the period 2024-2029, including the completion of the discussion of the Principles of State Policy, evaluation of the MPR Tap Number I/MPR/2003, and assessment of institutional strengthening of the MPR through the law.

"Another recommendation is a comprehensive assessment of the 1945 Constitution by involving community participation and research on the ethics of state life," concluded Bamsoet after the Plenary Session at the Parliament Building, Jakarta, on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.

The session was attended by a number of important figures, such as the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Puan Maharani, Deputy Chairperson of the MPR Ahmad Basarah, Ahmad Muzani, Lestari Moerdijat, Jazilul Fawaid, Sjarifuddin Hasan, Hidayat Nur Wahid, Fadel Muhammad, Yandri Susanto, Amir Uskara, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Rachmad Gobel, and Muhaimin Iskandar, as well as Deputy Chairperson of the DPD RI Sultan Baktiar Najamudin.