Streak Of Terror, DPR Leadership Encourages Acceleration Of Presidential Decree NAP PE

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Azis Syamsuddin, urged the urgency to accelerate the implementation of the mandate of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 7 of 2021 concerning the National Action Plan for the Prevention and Combating of Violent Extremism that leads to Terrorism (RAN PE) for 2020-2024. According to him, the implementation of the Perpres RAN PE must run in all sectors.

This is in response to the successive acts of terrorism that took place in Makassar on Sunday, March 28 and the events that took place at the National Police Headquarters, Wednesday, March 31.

"We urge the government to immediately accelerate the implementation of the mandate of the Presidential Decree. Especially to increase the protection of citizens' rights to sense of security from extremism that leads to terrorism," Azis told reporters, Thursday, April 1.

The Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party said that the Perpres is also part of the implementation of the state's obligations towards human rights in order to maintain national security stability based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

"In the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic, people and countries need a sense of security to work and rise from adversity," said Azis.

Azis further explained that Presidential Regulation Number 7 of 2021, article 1 paragraph 4 has mandated that the NAP PE is a series of activities carried out in a systematic and planned manner.

The goal is to prevent and tackle violent extremism that leads to terrorism. As used as a reference for ministries, agencies and local governments in carrying out prevention and control.

"The formulation and concept must be implemented immediately. The NAP PE is the basis so that citizens' safe rights and national security stability are maintained," he stressed.

Azis also asked the government to review its strategy for dealing with terrorists and extremists. This is important to do after dealing with radical groups that continue to spread and spread fear through recent terrorism efforts.

The DPR also encourages the importance of digital literacy regarding radical understanding, its impacts and dangers. The drafting process can involve religious figures, Islamic boarding schools from Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah as anchors for deradicalization.

"The strong influence of radicalism and extremism must be stopped. This effort is certainly not limited to direct education to students and families. But it is also important to limit the browsing engine which has had the most dominant influence," he explained.

In addition, Azis supports the National Police to thoroughly investigate the terrorism network in the country. The arrests of a number of suspected terrorists in Condet, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, were followed by raids and arrests on Jalan Raya Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java, after the suicide bombing at the gate of the Cathedral Church in Makassar needed to be expanded.

Azis also reminded the National Police and BNPT to improve their intelligence function by cooperating with all elements. Moreover, based on BNPT data, the number of terrorists has reached 6,000, which is certainly very disturbing and disturbing security.

"BNPT as a role model in preventing terrorism must be able to show its class. Of course it is not only limited to prosecution, but prevention is more important," said Azis Syamsuddin.