Fire Refugees At Pertamina Balongan Indramayu Refinery Complain About Ispa

JAKARTA - Refugees who were victims of tank fire at Pertamina Balongan Refinery, Indramayu Regency, West Java, complained about an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (ISPA).

"On the third day, most of the refugees complained about respiratory problems", said the doctor on duty at the evacuation site, dr. Rizki was reported by Antara, Thursday, April 1.

According to him, those who experience upper respiratory problems are not only the elderly, or adults, children also experience it.

Apart from ISPA, the refugees also complained about their stomach aches, Perhaps because at the time of the incident they did not eat, so this complaint almost happened to all refugees.

"For medical complaints, it is not too heavy, so we can still handle it", he said.

He added that the health team also provided existing medicines so that they could help the refugees minimize their pain.

"We give them the appropriate medicine and when a resident feels heavier, we are referred to the hospital", he said.

Meanwhile for the children, apart from having their health monitored, they are also giving trauma healing by officials from the Ministry of Social Affairs, so that the incidents they experienced would not continue to make an impression.