When Anies' Men Do Not Open Data On The Purchase Of 70 Hectares Of Land And The DPRD Suspects That Something Is Covered

JAKARTA - Yesterday, Commission B DPRD summoned the DKI Provincial Government to explore the distribution of land that has been purchased by BUMD Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya covering an area of 70 hectares.

This is suspected from the alleged corruption case of the purchase of land for the RP0 DP house by the inactive Managing Director of Sarana Jaya, Yoory Pinontoan. During the meeting, the DPRD questioned the Acting Managing Director of Sarana Jaya Indra S. Arharrys.

"We ask the Acting Managing Director of Sarana Jaya to immediately provide attachments that have not been given at this time. One of them is a list of land purchases of about 70 hectares," said Chairman of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Abdul Aziz during a meeting at the DPRD DKI Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, March.

Unfortunately, Indra was unable to provide details on the location of the land that had been purchased. He asked the DPRD for time to prepare the data, which would then be explained in writing.

In fact, at a meeting a few weeks ago, the DPRD had asked Sarana Jaya to present a report on land purchase data in all of its programs.

DKI Jakarta DPRD Commission B member Gilbert Simanjuntak then questioned the status of the land that had been purchased by Sarana Jaya. He suspects that there is a land acquisition process that is not right.

"What is that fictitious land? Why isn't it shown?" grunted Gilbert.

Member of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Eneng Malianasari, said that the subordinate of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan deliberately covered up the data on land purchases. "It looks like something is covered up. So it's not bright. Even though it can be conveyed," said Eneng.

Continuing, the Chairman of Commission B DPRD DKI Abdul Aziz admitted that so far the DKI DPRD has not intervened too deeply regarding the land acquisition process. However, when the suspicion of corruption on the land of the Rp0 DP house surfaced, the DPRD felt that it was missed.

"DPRD did not go too deep into the process of making DP 0 rupiah. We only reviewed their proposals in general and globally to get PMD for making DP 0 rupiah," said Aziz.

Therefore, Azis wanted the DPRD to look more closely at the Sarana Jaya program. "Since this incident, we will go deeper so that there are no more irregularities. Because this is the responsibility of the board as supervisor. We urge this not to happen again, the SOP will be corrected immediately," he continued.