Couples In Bali Found Dead With Stab Wounds, Allegedly Suicide

DENPASAR - A husband and wife couple with the initials AAKNS (39) and his wife AASA (39), were found dead in their house in the Jalan Kebo Iwa Utara area, Denpasar, Bali.

The two victims who died were suspected of committing suicide on Monday, September 23 evening.

"(The allegation is) suicide," said Head of Public Relations of Denpasar Police, AKP I Ketut Sukadi, Tuesday, September 24.

AKP Sukaditak explained the chronology of the couple's death.

Currently, the police are conducting an investigation regarding the incident and have conducted a crime scene (TKP).

The two victims were found dead in the room.

The victim of AAKNS suffered stab wounds to his left chest and his wife AASA suffered stab wounds to the right neck.

"The two victims were found dead from stab wounds," said Sukadi.