Acting Governor Of Central Java Regarding The 2024 Pilkada: Potential Conflicts And Frictions Must Be Anticipated

Acting Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Nana Sudjana said the difference in choice in the 2024 Pilkada must be addressed wisely and should not cause divisions.

"In politics, differences of choice are normal," Nana said in Semarang, Tuesday, September 24, as reported by Antara.

Therefore, he hopes that the pairs of candidates who fight in the 2024 Pilkada will create harmony and peace in all stages.

"Don't attack each other, keep the climate cool and conducive," he said.

According to him, the people of Central Java are smart and not easily provoked. "The people of Central Java are in harmony. Therefore, the potential for conflict and friction must be anticipated," he said.

Thus, he continued, the 2024 Pilkada will produce quality leaders.

The election for the Governor of Central Java in 2024 was attended by two pairs of candidates, namely Andika Perkasa-Hendrar Prihadi, promoted by PDIP with a total valid vote of 5.2 million votes from the 2024 election.

Then the pair Ahmad Luthfi-Taj Yasin Maimoen was jointly promoted by the Gerindra Party, the National Awakening Party, the Golkar Party, the United Development Party, the Nasdem Party, the Prosperous Justice Party, the National Mandate Party, the Democratic Party and the Indonesian Solidarity Party, with a total valid vote of 13.7 million votes.