This Is PDIP's Explanation Regarding The Chairman Of The Faction At The DKI DPRD Still Plt

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta DPRD has announced the structure of the leaders and members of each faction in the DKI Jakarta DPRD for the period 2024-2029. However, only the PDIP whose faction chairman is still announced to be the executor of the task (Plt) and has not been definitive.

A member of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD who is proposed to be the Deputy Chair of the DPRD, Ima Mahdiah admitted that PDIP has not been able to decide who is the head of the faction.

The PDIP faction is still waiting for directions that have not been decided by the DKI Jakarta PDIP Regional Leadership Council (DPD).

"I am still waiting for the decision and instructions from the party's DPD," Ima told reporters, Tuesday, September 24.

Ima targets that the head of the definitive PDIP faction will be decided at the beginning of next month, along with the ratification of regional regulations (perda) regarding the rules that are guidelines for the new DKI Jakarta DPRD.

This is also in line with the inauguration of the leadership of the DKI DPRD. Where, PKS as the winning party for the 2024 DKI DPRD legislative election appointed Khoirudin as Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD for the period 2024-2029.

Then, the four parties with the most votes then chose one of their faction members as Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD. They are Ima Mahdiah from the PDIP faction, Rani Mauliani from Gerindra, Wibi Andrino from NasDem, and Basri Baco from Golkar.

"In my calculations, in early October, the DPRD leadership should have started to define it, after that we will pursue it for the discussion of pure APBD," said Ima.

In more detail, the composition of nine factions in the DKI Jakarta DPRD for the period 2024-2029 is:

1. PKS Advisor Khoirudin Abdul Aziz Achmad Yani Abdurrahman Suhaimi

Badminton Chairman Ismail

Badminton Deputy Chair 1 Muhammad Thamrin

Badminton Deputy Chairman 2M Subki

SEkretarisM Taufik Zoekifli

Badminton Treasurer Nasdiyanto

Badminton Deputy Treasurer 1Zahrina Nurbaiti

Badminton Deputy Treasurer 2Nabilah Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi

Member Of Ade Suherman Inad Luciawaty Suhud AlynudinM Hasan AbdilahSholikah M Alfatih Ghozi Zulazmi

2. PDIP Advises Advisor Johnny Simanjuntak

Plt Chairperson Of The Nainggolan Pantas

Badminton Deputy Chairman Of Sinaga's Exhaust

Secretary Dwi rio Sambodo

Badminton Deputy Secretary Brando Susanto

Badminton Treasurer Chica Koeswoyo

Yuke Member Yurike Ima Mahdiah Wa Ode Herlina Lauw Siegvrida Ida MahcepatManuara Siahaan Hardiyanto KennethAgustina Hermanto Tina ToonHilda Kusuma Dewi

3. Gerindra Joins AdvisorRany Mauliani Adnan TaufiqInggard Joshua Nurhasan Wahyu Dewanto

Badminton Chairman Setyoko

Badminton Deputy Chairperson Of Nurbakti

Secretary Yudha Permana

Badminton Deputy Secretary Rian Kurnia

Hide Treasurer Dian Pratama

Badminton Deputy Treasurer Jamilah Abdul Gani

Member: Anggi Armando Ali Hakim Lubis Alief Bintang

4. Nasdem-PPP Adviser Wibi Andrino Mohamad Ongen Sangaji

Badminton The Chairperson Of Jupiter

Badminton Deputy Chair Nova Harivan Paloh

Secretary Immamuddin

Treasurer Raden Gusti Arief Yulifard

Member Of Gias Kumari's Son Muhammad IdrisRIAno P. Ahmad Fatimah Tania Nadira AlatasMatnoor Tindoan

5. Golkar Joins Basri Baco's Advisor

Badminton Chairman Judistira Hermawan

Badminton Deputy Chair 1Ramly

Badminton Deputy Chairman 2 Sandi Wahab

Secretary Andri Santosa

Bendahara Dadiyono

Member: Dimaz Raditya Alia NoorayuFarah SaviraSyafi Fabio Djohan

6. PKB Advises Sutikno's Advisor

Badminton ChairmanM Fuadi Lutfi

Badminton Deputy Chairman Ahmad Moetaba

Yusuf's Secretary

Badminton Deputy Secretary Muhammad Lefy

Treasurer Ahmad Ruslan

Badminton Deputy Bendahahengki Wijaya

Members: Uwais El QoroniTri Waluyo

7. PAN AdvisorZita Anjani

Bad luck The Head Of The Resident

juxtapos SekretarisOman Rohman

Bendahara Syahroni

Member Of Bambang Kusumanto Habib Muhammad Lukmanul HakimAlwi Moehammad AliAstrid KuyaBebizie Sri Mulyati

8. Democrat-Perindo Joins Advisor MujiyonoMisan Samsuri

Chairman Ali Muhammad Johan

Badminton Deputy Chairman of Ferrial Sofyan

Secretary Lazarus Simon

Treasurer Wita Susilowaty

Member Of Desie Christhyana Sarineneng HasanahNur Afni Sajim Dina Masyusin

9. PSI Advisor August Hamonangan

Badminton Chairman William Aditya Sarana

Badminton Deputyrun Joi Phiu

ELva Secretary Farhi Qolbina

Hide Treasurer Kevin Wu

JOBine Simanjuntang MemberJustin AdrianFrancine Widjojo