Canceled In Cirebon, NU Extraordinary Congress Proposed To Move To Madura
JAKARTA - The Presidium for the Extraordinary Congress (MLB) Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) proposed the transfer of the NU MLB location. Previously, the NU MLB was planned to be held in Cirebon, West Java.
After the dynamics, MLB NU is proposed to be held in Bangkalan, Madura, East Java. This proposal was disclosed in the consolidation of 100 kiai and NU scholars throughout Central Java.
"Therefore, the determination of the MLB place and time will be decided in the pre-MLB and after getting the blessing of the NU elderly kiai," said Nur Muhammad Ndresmo Islamic Boarding School Caretaker, KH Maftuh on Tuesday, September 24.
Maftuh said that the consolidation of the kiai called the Nest Declaration contains a number of decisions.
First, the NU MLB was held guided by the Jam'iyah Nahdlatul Ulama Article Budget, which stated that Nahdlatul Ulama was founded by Islamic boarding school clerics in Surabaya on 16 Rajab 1344 H to coincide with January 31, 1926 AD for an indefinite period of time.
"So it is understood that Jam'iyyah Nahdlatul Ulama is a reflection of pesantren's life. Meanwhile, Jam'iyyah's structure stands for the wisdom of ulama and kiai caregivers of Islamic boarding schools," said Maftuh.
Thus, Presidium believes that the support of a number of kiai to MLB NU will be followed by NU structures at all levels, both PW-PC-MWC and NU Branch Management.
MLB NU was held on the basis of unrest of a number of Nahdliyin residents over PBNU in the leadership of Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya.
"Presidium is optimistic that MLB can be implemented soon," said Maftuh.
Presidium also expressed its appreciation to the PW-PCNU structural for its support for the PO and MLB Movements, even though it was done behind closed doors.
"Therefore, the Presidium will maintain communication and consolidation of movement with NU structures at all levels and maintain confidentiality so that everyone is comfortable," he added.
On the one hand, Presidium realizes that MLB has the potential to have poor resistance. According to him, if the current condition of PBNU is allowed, Maftuh is worried about the emergence of damage to organizational order at all levels and the loss of pride to become NU citizens. "So, MLB must be done," he added.