Mastermind Who Thieves Luxury Home Furniture In Kedoya, West Jakarta Arrested

JAKARTA - Joint officers from the Kebon Jeruk Police and the West Jakarta Metro Police have successfully arrested two perpetrators of theft of luxury home furniture in Kedoya, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.

After two months of being on the run, the Police finally succeeded in securing the perpetrators, including the initials A who was the mastermind behind the theft of a luxury home and H who was the perpetrator who served as the foreman of the house demolition worker.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ady Wibowo accompanied by the Kebon Jeruk Police Chief, Kompol R Manurung, explained that his party had succeeded in securing the two perpetrators of theft of a luxury home in Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, who had gone viral some time ago

"We managed to secure the perpetrator who was the mastermind behind the theft of the luxury house, namely A, who was hiding himself in the Kembangan area, West Jakarta," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ady Wibowo in Kedoya, West Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, March 31.

The thief gang was known to have demolished the house within a month, starting from February 20, 2021 to March 20, 2021.

Suspect A, who lives in the Kebon Jeruk area, was said to have monitored the house before carrying out the action.

Perpetrator A also happened to live in the vicinity of Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta and the perpetrator saw the house that was being targeted was plastered with a "for sale" banner.

"Then the perpetrator made observations by the suspect, suspect A, in a lonely condition," said Ady.

The house has indeed been abandoned by the owner for quite a while so that the location in the area of the house is fairly quiet. This condition is exploited by the perpetrators by jumping the fence and then entering the main door and prying the door.

After successfully entering the house, the perpetrator found a key group in the house. In order to freely enter and leave the house, the perpetrator replaced the lock on the house on the fence so that it did not arouse suspicion by local residents.

"From there, the person concerned tries to offer the existing house demolition, by submitting that if he wants to take wood, furniture, sanitary ware, he can immediately take it himself because it is still stuck in the house," said Ady.

This was done by suspect A to suspect H as the foreman of the demolition of the house. Then suspect H gave this order to a collector of used goods, namely MD's brother. Suspect H also asked the MD perpetrator to demolish the house with the help of some construction workers.

"They entered freely because the keys had been replaced and did not raise suspicion by local residents. If we can see the environment around here, maybe we don't really see the situation right and left," he said.

There are also items on the first floor that have been taken, including marble floors, horse paintings, sideboards, cupboards, tables, chairs, circle sofa chairs, water pumps, aluminum glass, metal safes, wardrobes, photographs, statues, ac standing, small crystal chandelier, small dining table, kitchen set, and closet.

While on the second floor, items that have been taken are air conditioning, stainless steel railings, large wardrobes, a sofa set, marble chairs, large crystal chandeliers, copper paintings, wardrobes, beds, dressers, closets, sinks and showers.