Inviting People To Switch To Electric Stoves, Erick Thohir: Can Save 20 Percent Per Month
JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) continues to promote the use of electric-based stoves in the community. BUMN Minister Erick Thohir said that electric stoves are more profitable than using Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) stoves.
"People benefit from the average cost of cooking at home IDR 147 thousand per month with an electric stove to IDR 118 thousand per month, saving another 20 percent", he said in the signing of a memorandum of understanding between PLN and BUMN Karya, Wednesday, March 31.
Erick Thohir said, before issuing the electric stove program, his party and PLN had researched to prove whether the use of electricity could benefit the community.
"The ministry and of course PLN is really challenging whether to replace the electric stove, the people will save too. If you replace the electric stove, you don't want to. That's why we calculate the average monthly output of IDR 147,000 with electricity IDR 118,000", he said.
Erick said the use of 15 million electric stoves will accelerate the reduction in domestic LPG imports. Moreover, the government is currently trying to achieve national energy security and independence by reducing imports and increasing domestic energy supply capacity.
Erick is optimistic that the program to use electric stoves will run well, especially with the support from the Ministry of PUPR and BUMN Karya which ensures that all house and apartment developments are equipped with electric stove facilities.
Furthermore, Erick said that the conversion from an LPG stove to an electric stove was not impossible. This is not much different from the previous condition where LPG was present to replace kerosene.
"This is the acceleration of the emphasis on imports that we hope for in the next five years. We hope that there will be tremendous savings, which now we can use almost IDR 60 trillion for the welfare of the community", he said.
Currently, the Ministry of BUMN is facilitating the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN and BUMN Karya and the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) regarding the electric stove program. MoU will be held on Wednesday today.