The Reason For Debt Is The Motive For The Perpetrator To Kill And Dispose Of The Body Of A Woman In A Sack In Tasimalaya
TASIKMALAYA - The Tasikmalaya Police revealed the motive for the murder of an elderly woman, then threw her body in a sack into a river in Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, because she was upset about being billed by the victim.
"The motive is because he is hurt by being billed for debt when the suspect does not have money," said Head of the Tasikmalaya Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Ridwan Budirta during a press conference to reveal the case of the disposal of a woman's body in a sack, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, September 23.
He said the case of the discovery of the body of a 70-year-old woman in the Cipinaha River, Jatiwaras District, Tasikmalaya Regency, Sunday (15/9) was successfully revealed who was a murder victim.
The police, he said, based on the results of the investigation of the crime scene and intensive investigation, finally found a bright spot for the person suspected of being a killer and also threw his body into the river.
He conveyed that the information gathered by the Tasikmalaya Resort Police coordinated with the West Java Regional Police to finally arrest the suspect with the initials H (45) at his parents' house in Pasuruan, East Java.
"We have arrested the suspect in East Java, his initials are H," he said.
He conveyed that during the arrest, the suspect did not fight back, nor did all the evidence for his crimes be collected.
The suspect, he said, was known to be a spice trader at Cikurubuk Market, Tasikmalaya City who was caught in debt from the victim amounting to Rp. 20 million and the payment was in installments.
"The suspect has known the victim for a long time, the suspect has debts to the victim, paid his debt in installments," said Ridwan.
He explained that prior to the incident, the victim asked the suspect for a debt, at that time the suspect did not have money because his income from his business was quiet. The suspect then asked for relief from the victim.
The suspect, said Ridwan, was annoyed with the victim who collected the debt, then carried out an act of persecution until finally the victim died in the stall where the suspect was selling.
The suspect also not only killed the victim, but took away the victim's money amounting to Rp. 8 million, then the other victim's belongings were thrown into an empty stall around the Cikurubuk Main Market, before finally the victim was put in a sack and thrown away.
"So he was executed in his stall, the victim's money was brought by the suspect," he said.
The suspect H's confession that the victim did not want to pay off his debt installments, nor did he show a record of the remaining debt, and was even more annoyed when he was going to collect debts from the suspect's wife.
"I was emotional, and I asked how much debt was left, I didn't mention, I want to know how much the recap was, I didn't tell you," said the suspect.
As a result of his actions, the suspect must now languish in the detention cell of the Tasikmalaya Police Headquarters to undergo further legal proceedings and be charged with multiple articles 338 and/or Article 365 and/or Article 351 paragraph 3 concerning persecution, murder, and theft with a penalty of 15 years in prison.