National Police Chief Listyo Called Terrorist Actors At National Police Headquarters, Dropout Semester 5 From Campus

JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that the perpetrators of terror at the National Police Headquarters were registered as students at one of the campuses. However, when he was in the 5th semester he was dropped out.

"The suspect is a former student at one of the campuses and dropped out in the 5th semester," said Chief of Police Listyo at Police Headquarters, Wednesday, March 31.

The female chlamin-type perpetrator with the initials ZA is still 25 years old. According to the National Police Chief Listyo, from the victim's body, the officers also secured several pieces of evidence. Like a yellow folder and envelopes bearing certain words.

"Then also the person concerned has an Instagram that was just created or posted 21 hours ago. In which there is an ISIS flag and there is an article related to the problem of how the jihad struggle," explained the National Police Chief.

"We also found at his house a will and there were words in the WhatasApp family group that he was going to say goodbye," said the National Police Chief.