Initially, The Female Attacker At The National Police Headquarters Pretended To Ask The Post Office, Then Attacked The Police With 6 Shots
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that the perpetrator of the terrorist act at Police Headquarters with the initials ZA (25) used the pretense to ask the post office before carrying out the action.
"The person concerned then asked where the post office was and was then given services by the members and was then shown the direction of the post office," General Listyo Sigit told reporters, Wednesday, March 31.
After being shown the direction of the post office, the perpetrator returned to the guard post. Instantly ZA attacked the officers by firing several shots.
"Then the woman left the post. But then came back and attacked the members at the guard post by shooting them," continued Listyo Sigit.
At least, ZA fired six shots at officers. But the National Police Chief did not explain whether or not members of the Police were hit by gunfire.
"Six shots were fired, two times at members inside the post, two times outside, and two more shots at the members behind him," he said.
Previously, the suspected terrorist entered the National Police Headquarters at around 16.30 WIB. From the video circulating, he had pointed a firearm at the police who were in a room near the fence at the National Police Headquarters.
After that the suspected terrorist was paralyzed by the police to death. Currently, the security of the National Police Headquarters is being tightened. The bodies of the suspected terrorists have been taken to the National Police Hospital.