Ministry Of Trade: RCEP Support Unit Is An Important Milestone For Trade Agreements

The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) said the establishment of the RCEP Support Unit (RSU) was an important milestone in the largest trade agreement.

State Ministers of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership/RCEP Approval (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership/RCEP) welcomed the establishment of the RSU and the implementation of four committee meetings and one sub-committee meeting under the Joint Committee of RCEP (RCEP Joint Committee/RJC) in the 3rd meeting of State Ministers of RCEP Members in Vientiane, Laos, Sunday, September 22.

Director General of International Trade Negotiations of the Ministry of Trade, Djatmiko Bris Witjaksono, as the leader of the meeting, said that the RSU as the largest unit supporting the world's free trade agreement is targeted to start operating as soon as 2024.

"This unit will play an important role in ensuring that the implementation of the RCEP Agreement runs efficiently and effectively in order to contribute to economic integration in the region as a whole," said Djatmiko as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, September 23.

Djatmiko introduced Taufiq Arfi Wargadalam who is a representative of the Indonesian Ministry of Trade as the Executive Director of the elected RSU.

Taufiq was chosen from the results of a series of open and very competitive RSU Executive Director selection processes.

At the 3rd Meeting of the Ministers of RCEP this time, the Director of ASEAN Negotiations of the Ministry of Trade, Dina Kurniasari, as the Chair of the RJC, reported to the ministers about the development and achievement of the implementation of RCEP.

One of the most significant achievements reported is the RCEP Accession Procedure Document which has been negotiated for two years.

In addition, Dina reported several issues that required direction from ministers.

The RCEP Ministers also welcomed the RCEP Accession Procedure Document which was successfully completed by the RJC.

This Accession Procedure document is a reference document for the extension of RCEP membership.

"The adoption of the Accession Procedure Document proves the commitment of RCEP member countries in the openness and inclusivity of RCEP. Openness and inclusiveness of RCEP further strengthens and expands the supply chain of global regions and opens up opportunities for wider economic cooperation," concluded Djatmiko.