What Is The Equinox Phenomenon And Its Impact On Indonesia
YOGYAKARTA Indonesia will experience an equinox phenomenon. This incident is included in an astronomical phenomenon, namely when the position of the Sun is above the equator or equator. In its natural cycle, the equinox phenomenon can occur twice a year, namely in March and September. This incident is also widely said to trigger an increase in hot temperatures in Java Island.
Reporting from the official website of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), equinox events are an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the Sun crosses the khatiwa line periodically. This phenomenon occurred on March 21 and September 23. In March it was called the Equinox Semi, while in September it was called the Equinox Falls. This means that today, Monday, September 23, 2024, there will be the Equinox Gaming phenomenon.
The name equinox itself is taken in two Latin words, namely aequus which means the same, and nox which means night. When there is an equinox phenomenon, the duration of night and day time around the world is almost the same, averaged for 12 hours, including in subtropic areas.
The phenomenon of equinox is widely accused of having certain impacts that will be felt by living things, especially humans. Is this true? Check out the following equinox phenomenon.
On the website of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) it is said that when the equinox occurs, the position of the Sun will fit on the equator, namely at zero latitude or latitude 0 degrees.
When that happens, the intensity of sunlight will increase during the day. This means that the light of the sun will be brighter than usual.
Equinox events are also able to trigger an increase in temperature in various regions, including Indonesia. However, this condition does not always occur.
Equinox is not the same as the HeatWave phenomenon which has an impact on increasing temperature extremally at relatively the same time. In this way, it is hoped that the public will not panic too much in responding to this phenomenon. However, people are expected to prepare themselves for the transition weather that is currently engulfing Indonesia.
Another impact of equinox events is that the Sun Crossing is just above the equator. This makes the Sun rise right from the East and set right towards the West. This condition is difficult to find in normal days.
The phenomenon of equinox that triggers an increase in temperature also needs to be anticipated by the community, although not significantly. Increased temperatures need to be anticipated by consuming drinking water to meet the body's fluid needs that are wasted through sweat.
It is also recommended to consume a lot of watery fruit such as watermelons, oranges, and so on. These fruits can help refresh the body. People are also allowed to minimize activities outside the home.
That's information related to the equinox phenomenon. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.