Drug Village In Medan Raided, 4 Dealers Arrested

MEDAN - The Medan City Police (Polrestabes), North Sumatra, arrested four men and one of them is suspected of being a drug dealer, in Medan Maimun District, Medan City.

"From the raid in Badur Village, Hamdan Village, Medan Maimun was used as a drug nest, we arrested four men," said Head of Unit II of the Narcotics Unit of the Medan Polrestabes AKP Heryadi, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, September 23.

In addition to arresting four men, he continued, several packages of methamphetamine were also confiscated which were ready for distribution, in Badur Village, Hamdan Village.

The raid was carried out after his party received public information about the practice of buying and selling methamphetamine in one house which was also used as a noodle sales shop.

"Then, on Saturday, the Medan Police Narcotics Satres team carried out raids and arrested four men, namely AL (38), SP (34), VB (45), and AS (54)," he said.

Of the four perpetrators, one of them with the initials AL was suspected of being a dealer because when he was arrested several packages of methamphetamine were also confiscated which were ready to be distributed.

His party admitted that the location that was raided was indeed a drug nest, including when the raid was found a number of methamphetamine suction devices.

"This raid is a quick response from the Medan Police Narcotics Satres team for reports submitted by the public to us," said Heryadi.

He also said that the perpetrators, both suspected of being dealers and users, had been taken to the Medan Polrestabes Narcotics Unit for further investigation.

"All perpetrators will be investigated, including being asked for information to reveal other networks. We will increase supervision in the future so that drug practices do not happen again," he said.

Meanwhile, in order to prevent the emergence of drug dens in the city of Medan, his party will also collaborate with the community and government elements as a form of joint prevention.

"We are collaborating with the head of the environment, and remain committed to eradicating all forms of drug abuse. We will follow up on every report from residents," explained AKP Heryadi.