Drama Penyandangan Pilot Susi Air: 1.5 Tahun Dalam Bayang-yang KKB

The hostage-taking of Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua has attracted public attention over the past 1.5 years. This is not just the story of a pilot from New Zealand trapped in conflict, but also describes the efforts of the Indonesian government to release him. This process involves collaboration between the TNI, Polri, religious leaders, indigenous peoples, and the government, which seeks to prioritize a peaceful approach.

Captain Mehrtens works for Susi Air, serving remote routes. On February 7, 2023, his plane was surrounded by KKB led by Egianus Kogoya after landing at Paro Airport, Nduga. After the hostage-taking, the KKB demanded that the government withdraw security forces from the Papua region and provide full autonomy for Papua. By taking foreign pilots hostage, the KKB hopes to attract the world's attention.

From the start, the government tried to free Philip Mark Mehrtens. The location of the remote hostage-taking made it difficult for military efforts and negotiations. KKB did not ask for a ransom, but instead made this hostage-taking a political demand. They even sent a proposal to the Papua Task Force, which required long discussions.

The role of religious leaders, traditional leaders, and the local community is very significant. They became a bridge of communication between state apparatus and KKB. This dialogue-based approach has proven effective in reducing the situation without violence. TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto emphasized the importance of a soft approach involving many parties in the process of releasing Captain Mehrtens.

Finally, on September 22, 2024, Captain Mehrtens was successfully released after a series of negotiations. Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto announced that the pilot was in good health when handed over to the New Zealand Embassy. The evacuation process went smoothly, becoming a moment of emotion for his family.

This success is inseparable from the cooperation between the government, TNI, Polri, and the people of Papua. Community-based approaches are the key to solving problems without violence. President Joko Widodo also instructed stricter security in vulnerable areas of Papua, especially for flights.

After the release, many parties give appreciation, both domestically and internationally. However, big challenges remain: how to ensure security in Papua in the future? This hostage-taking reminds us that armed conflict in Papua is far from over. Even though the government succeeded in freeing Mehrtens without ransom, maintaining state sovereignty and protecting the public from disturbances remains a top priority.

This story is about collaboration, diplomacy, and a peaceful approach in the midst of tension. Even though Philip Mark Mehrtens has been free, the struggle to create a safe Papua is still homework for the government. We certainly reject all forms of violence, while maintaining state sovereignty and protecting the community, and not tolerating any threats to the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Strengthening cooperation between all parties is very important. This success should be a momentum to create constructive dialogue for the better future of Papua.