Realization Of Mukomuko Regional Tax Revenue Reaches IDR 4.5 Billion

JAKARTA - The Regional Finance Agency (BKD) of Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province, stated that the realization of regional taxes from January to September 17, 2024 reached IDR 4.5 billion from the target of IDR 17 billion.

"The realization of regional revenue from January to September 17, 2024, amounting to Rp. 4.5 billion comes from 11 regional taxes," said Head of Revenue I of the Mukomuko Regency BKD, Yadi, as reported by ANTARA, Sunday, September 22.

He said this was based on the report on the realization of the budget and regional expenditure income from January to September 17, 2024.

The regional revenue budget for 2024 is IDR 968,295,871,864, then the regional revenue is IDR 62,144,821,483 which consists of regional taxes of IDR 17,092,227,840.

He said that the realization of regional taxes from January to September 17, 2024 was still small, namely Rp. 4.5 billion or 26.59 percent of the target of Rp. 17 billion because one of them was delays in determining regional tax and levy regulations.

To achieve the target of regional income from the tax, he said, his agency optimizes the withdrawal of local taxes and levies to meet the target of local revenue this year.

Then, he said, his party gave special powers to the local District Attorney's Office to help collect the 2023 tax arrears debt in the region.

Yadi said the District Attorney's Office was involved to help collect tax arrears' debts in 2023 because the existence of law enforcement officers was more respected by tax objects.

In addition, he said, a persuasive approach to restaurant and hotel business actors within the city sub-district so that they pay taxes according to the rules.

He said that his party, apart from taking a persuasive approach to business actors, as well as socializing Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 2 of 2024 concerning regional taxes and levies.

From the realization of regional taxes amounting to Rp4.5 billion, revenue from the BPHTB tax of Rp347 million, restaurant tax of Rp326 million, parking tax of Rp147 million, land water tax of Rp176 million, hotel tax of Rp58 million.

Then, entertainment tax of Rp26 million, and billboard tax of Rp123 million, street lighting tax contributed around Rp2.3 billion, swallow nest tax of Rp10 million, mineral taxes of non-metal and rock of Rp882 million, land and building taxes (PBB) of rural and urban sectors Rp117 million.